Published at 21st of March 2024 12:04:34 PM

Chapter 5250: Sister Nian: Look at my brother’s waist

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Chapter 5250 Sister Nian: Look at my brother’s waist

ˆ˜Qiao Nian: “?”

ˆ˜Qiao Nian: “…”

ˆ˜Qiao Nian: “!”

 She instantly understood why the girl just now looked back at her, her face turned red with embarrassment, and she quickly ran away with her friend.

So thanks to his gift, she became a bad person?

Ye Wangchuan flicked her forehead and chuckled softly: "What are you thinking about?"

Qiao Nian replied absently: "Oh, look at my brother's waist, the deadly scimitar."

This time it’s Ye Wangchuan:…

Qiao Nian returned the flower to him, walked back to the front hood, and put one hand on the front hood. The stream of light shone on her cold white skin, making her eyebrows become thicker than inkstones: "Run." One round?"

 “You want to play?” Ye Wangchuan shifted his elbows with his hands, leaning elegantly on the edge of the sports car, and raised his eyebrows at her.


When Qiao Nian pried open the hood to inspect the engine inside, she discovered that he had also modified the car in a very professional way.

She visually observed that this car ran as fast as a racing car in extreme competitions, which aroused her itch and wanted to touch it.

 “Can you play?”

 Ye Wangchuan took out his mobile phone: "I'll call you."


after an hour.

The mountainside of Yanjiao was brightly illuminated by lights. Dozens of supercar lights lit up the place into a galaxy. There were many handsome men and beautiful women on both sides of the mountainside.

There is also a repair shop located halfway up the mountain, providing iced drinks, seeds and fruits and other necessary items.

The boss is a young black man with dreadlocks. When he saw a man and a woman getting out of a familiar black Aston Martin, he walked over and touched the man's shoulder in a familiar manner.      “Oh, YE.”

His pronunciation was difficult to pronounce, but he greeted him enthusiastically: "I haven't seen you for a long time. Why do you have time to come over tonight?"

Ye Wangchuan looked at the sports cars gathered at the foot of the mountain and turned to ask him: "Is there a game tonight?"

The man shrugged his shoulders: "A bunch of little **** set up a competition by themselves, and two of them got into trouble and hired professional racing drivers. It turned out like what you saw."

The second-generation ancestors of Beijing City have always played lawlessly. If they have money and people, they also like to play dangerous extreme sports, such as racing cars.

They are just playing for fun, and not everyone dares to play with the good life they finally got reincarnated in their belts, so they always like to invite foreign aid whenever they encounter life and death situations.

Internationally renowned racing drivers often come to Yanjiao, and they were hired by these people at a high price, and the game is similar to cockfighting or dogfighting.

Ye Wangchuan declined the cigarette offered by the man and said calmly: "My girlfriend wants to play, so let's clear the place tonight."

The little dirty braid then noticed Qiao Nian: "She?"

Qiao Nian was really cool, her indifferent eyes swept over him as calmly as at night, as if she was too lazy to answer.

 She said directly to Ye Wangchuan: "There is no need to clear the place."

"Zhang Yang and the others will be here soon." Ye Wangchuan followed her gaze and looked down, then turned around and asked, "You want to play with them?"

Qiao Nian pressed her knuckles lightly: "No?"

Ye Wangchuan paused for a second and indulged unconditionally: "That's not the case. I will be your navigator."

“…” Qiao Nian wanted to say that she had never wanted a pilot in the illegal zone before, but considering his feelings, she still relented.


Ye Wangchuan asked James for the racing suit, helmet, knee pads, etc. that he had put here, and also gave a copy to Qiao Nian: "You put it on first, and I'll ask him to tell the people below."

 They have to participate in other people's competitions temporarily, so they have to tell them no matter what.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!