Published at 21st of March 2024 12:04:00 PM

Chapter 5264: Master Wan wants to catch the mole

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“?” Bo Jingxing’s eyebrows were tightly knitted, with deep lines forming in the middle.

"Things have already happened. It doesn't mean that we deny it. The other party's demands are reasonable from a legal perspective." His face was like a quiet lake, calm. Even when the storm was about to come, he always maintained that look. Calm and calm.

Bo Jingxing curled his fingers and suppressed the anger in his chest: "Then we have to give them Xiaolong's technology for free?"

"Okay, is anger useful?" Ye Wangchuan rapped his knuckles on the table to signal him to calm down.

Bo Jingxing took a deep breath, suppressed the anger that rushed from his tailbone to his head, and turned his face away. His anger could still be seen from the tense jaw.

No one dared to speak in the huge conference room. Everyone was afraid of being affected by the quarrel between the two bosses, which would reduce their sense of presence.

At this moment, Gu San pushed the door in from outside.

From a distance, he saw the ugly-looking Bo Jingxing tilting his head as if he was quarreling with someone. Without thinking about it, he walked over and handed the new inspection report to the leading man.

“Master Wang, you let the dismantled drone report.”

"Give me."

Ye Wangchuan reached out to take it and opened it directly.

 It didn’t take him long to scan through the contents and handed it to Bo Jingxing: “Look at this.”

Bo Jingxing turned around and caught his gaze, raised his hand to push up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, gradually calmed down, and took the document from his hand.

 He read quickly, turning the pages to the end.


Ye Wangchuan leaned back on the back of his chair, raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose to relieve fatigue. Without opening his eyes, he said indifferently: "It's not certain yet. This inspection report at least explains the origin of the fake drone. It comes from hl." Laboratory.”    “The fake drone shell was made of commonly used materials, and the relevant codes engraved on the steel of the engine caused the staff who later found the drone to mistakenly believe that it was the lost Snapdragon drone.”

"In the industry, only HL, which has been paying attention to TT all year round, can possibly do this kind of thing."

Ye Wangchuan felt the fatigue subside and sat upright again. He opened his eyes and looked at Bo Jingxing with bright eyes: "Jilin told me before that he suspected that there was a mole in TT. I was busy dealing with other things some time ago and didn't take my hands off. We went to investigate and this is what happened.”


"If an insider had provided hL with photos of Snapdragon, it would have been easy for hl to make a replica drone based on the shape of Snapdragon. They then used this replica to replace the real Snapdragon and created this It was an accident and everything made sense.”

Bo Jingxing’s eyes flashed: “But she is not you…”

 Ye Wangchuan knocked on the table and interrupted: "No. I don't know him, I'm not familiar with him."

Bo Jingxing: "..." People advertise everywhere that she is your fiancée. If you say you don't know her here, you won't be afraid of breaking her heart.

Ye Wangchuan ignored him and turned to look at the others: "The task now is to find out the traitor. Do you have any ideas?"

“Master Wang, the insider you are talking about cannot be from our team.” Those who can come here to participate in the meeting are all core members of TT.

  It is different from what the outside world thinks.

  The core members of the famous TT Group are all Chinese, and there are basically no foreigners, nor are they the Wall Street elites rumored to be.

  We all have black hair, dark eyes, and yellow skin, which breaks the outside world’s inherent perception that white people have the upper hand in top scientific research industries. (End of chapter)

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