Published at 10th of May 2024 12:45:36 PM

Chapter 5265: I'm going to country m

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Chapter 5265 I’m going to country m

  Big bosses from several other teams also stood up and made categorical statements.

 “It won’t be our team either!”

 “It is impossible for such a person to appear in our team.”

Ye Wangchuan bent his slender fingers and lightly tapped the conference table, signaling everyone to quiet down, and said, "I'm asking you to think about who is most likely to do this."

 Everyone looked at each other in shock.

I heard his slow analysis again: "If the insider lurking in TT is a core member, the data in the fake dismantling report will not be so outrageous."

"The reason why I asked Gu San to find someone to dismantle the fake is to determine the various data of the fake. Only by getting the data can we determine whether it is related to you."

 The secretary came in at this time and placed a printed report on everyone's desk.

 They picked up the report in front of them and looked through it.

 Everyone calmed down and realized the meaning of Ye Wangchuan's words.

“Indeed, if it were one of our people, he would definitely be able to get first-hand data, and the fakes wouldn’t be so fake.”

“Apart from the appearance of this fake, which is exactly the same as the Snapdragon, the internal combustion engine inside is more like the O569.”

The o569 is the most classic model among the TT drones, and it is also the best-selling model. Many companies that entered the industry later imitated this drone.

“Isn’t the so-called AI intelligence launched by HL not long ago just copied from this one?” someone asked.

 He did not unintentionally open up other people's minds.

"I have said it before, hL's new products are too similar to our products. Not only do they look similar, but the core inside is also ours. This is nothing, but at the time I was confused, where did they know about our supply? Shang, get those materials."

"It was revealed before that HL only modified the casing of our engine. Yes, the nanomaterials on the casing they used also come from the same supplier as us. This is very strange." He looked at the others: "Our casing Material suppliers are industry secrets, so it’s strange that the other party coincidentally used the same supplier as us.”

Bo Jingxing crossed his hands on the conference table and took over what he said: "You mean the insider is not a core member of TT, but someone who has access to suppliers and appearance."

Ye Wangchuan calmly revealed the answer: "People from the purchasing department."

Everyone suddenly became enlightened and began to discuss among themselves in whispers.

Ye Wangchuan opened the swivel chair with both hands, stood up and ordered to go down: "Investigate the people in the purchasing department. If you find the insider, don't make it public yet, and control the person."

Seeing that he was leaving, Bo Jingxing stood up and asked, "Where are you going?"

Ye Wangchuan picked up his suit jacket: "I'm going to country m."

“Now?” Bo Jingxing asked with a frown.

"Yeah." Ye Wangchuan nodded lightly and called Gu San: "Immediately arrange a trip for me and use the Ye family's private jet."

"Okay, Mr. Wang." Gu San went out to do it without stopping.

Bo Jingxing's heart became more and more turbulent: "You rarely use your family connections, why are you so anxious this time?"

 There are many flights from Beijing to country m.

 In the past, Ye Wangchuan would never have used a private plane. In the words of this man, a private plane is not much more convenient.

Private aircraft also produce unnecessary fuel pollution.

Even though Bo Jingxing didn’t quite understand what he said about protecting the environment and saving energy, he had been friends for many years and knew something about Ye Wangchuan’s habits.

"Then you didn't have time to tell Qiao Nian?" he asked after thinking about it.

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