Published at 10th of May 2024 12:45:32 PM

Chapter 5268: Master Wan landed and sent a message to Sister Nian.

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Chapter 5268 Mr. Wang landed and sent a message to Sister Nian.

  Qiao Nian does not think it is difficult: "I can do it."

 She tilted her head and said seriously: "How? Do you want my help?"

Bo Jingxing hesitated for a moment, then looked into her bright starry eyes and said, "Sorry, Miss Qiao."

"Yeah." Qiao Nian leaned on the back of the chair and closed her eyes: "Go to the TT headquarters first. Wake me up when you get there."


Bo. Driver Jing Xing was willing to be the coachman this time. He turned the front of the car, looked at the scenery on both sides and sped back, driving the car smoothly and steadily.

 After they arrived at the headquarters, Bo Jingxing immediately asked his secretary to compile a list of everyone in the purchasing department and send it to the office.

 Qiao Nian used Ye Wangchuan's office, put his shoulder bag on the sofa, walked straight to the original wood grain desk, and tested the Internet speed on his computer.

 When Bo Jingxing got the list, she began to search through household registrations and hack into these people's address books to pick out all the people who were close to them.

 She then used the dark web to start checking the entries and exits of all overseas accounts of the people on the list one by one.


the other side.

 Five hours later.

 The plane landed at the airport in country m.

Local ground staff have been waiting at the airport for a long time.

As soon as the plane landed in Beijing, they drove to the land and waited for the people on the plane to get off.

Ji Lin, as the person in charge this time, stood straight at the front.

 Wait for everyone on the plane to get off. Ji Lin arranged for others to pick up the TT Group executives who came with Ye Wangchuan. He walked forward and waited for Ye Wangchuan to come out.

Ye Wangchuan didn't let him wait long. The man in a suit walked down the steps from the back of the queue.

He was wearing a rare formal white shirt, a suit vest on the outside, and a gray suit on top, which looked very noble.

"Master Wan." When Ji Lin saw him, he immediately went up to him and pointed to him: "Our car is the one at the front."

Gu San was walking at the back, holding many materials brought by Ye Wangchuan. When he saw Ji Lin, he also greeted Ji Lin warmly: "Long time no see."

Unlike his playful smile, Ji Lin looked at him seriously, then followed the man's footsteps and began to detail their negotiations with the officials of country M.

 The convoy left the airport.

I heard Ji Lin, who was driving in front, say: "Master Wang, the official negotiating team of Country M is already waiting for us in the conference room of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel."

“Should we go over now or should you go back to your place first?”

Ye Wangchuan's real estate is spread all over the world. TT Group has business in country m. He also has his own real estate in country m, but he rarely lives there.

Every time I come here, I basically stay in the hotel’s presidential suite. Hotel M has its long-term suite, so you just need to check in every time.

Ji Lin knew how particular this person was, so he asked if he wanted to go back to his residence first so that he could take a shower and change clothes after getting off the plane.

However, Ye Wangchuan did not act as usual this time. Instead, after turning on the phone and reading the various messages that came in, as well as online news, he made a resolute arrangement: "No, go directly to Waldorf Astoria."

"Okay." Ji Lin saw his frown through the rearview mirror, and immediately stopped peeping, concentrating on watching the car ahead.

Ye Wangchuan ignored the numerous messages and emails waiting for his reply on his phone. He clicked on the pinned dialog box and watched Qiao Nian reply to his message three hours ago.

  [QN: Bo Er picked me up. ]

 His physical and mental exhaustion disappeared. He lowered his eyes and edited the new message with concentration and seriousness to send it.

Since Gu San and I are not here, I asked Ma Wang to cook for you. ]

  [y: Remember to eat. ]

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