Published at 10th of May 2024 12:45:26 PM

Chapter 5273: Refuse in public

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 Chapter 5273 Rejection in public

  ttThere is no shortage of market in country m, and we are not afraid of being blocked by the market in country m.

How can the people in the delegation of country m not be frightened and angry?

Yet they cannot break out.

 Because they are well aware of TT’s dominance in the field of drones, and the drones they develop are among the top in the industry globally.

 Not only domestic travel enthusiasts like to use it, they also use it in many fields...ttTo give up the market of country m is indeed not a loss for any one party.

The delegation of country m was like frost and the eggplants were castrated a lot, and they did not aggressively demand that the tt side must give an explanation.

But they still persisted in the subsequent negotiations, demanding that TT provide Snapdragon data to prove that the subsequent explosion was an accident.

 After two hours of intense discussion, the two sides still could not reach an agreement on the core issues.

 Looking at the sky outside, it is getting dark.

The delegation of country m has taken the initiative to end the discussion temporarily today and sit down at the same time tomorrow to continue discussions.

Ye Wangchuan pressed his forehead and made no objection.

Both parties temporarily stopped and packed up their things, preparing to go back to rest or make full preparations for the next day's agenda.

 Elena is also sorting out the documents piled up on the table and putting them into document bags.

When she saw Ye Wangchuan getting up and picking up his coat and preparing to leave, she stopped him: "Ye Wangchuan, where do you live?"

She didn't wait for the man to answer, and didn't care about the people around her who were looking at her with gossipy eyes. She said extremely calmly: "I have a vacant property here, do you want to live at my place?"

The person next to Elena bumped her elbow lightly, and kept glancing between the two of them: "You... know each other?"

Elina looked at the man opposite her provocatively, and pushed her hair behind her ears. Yun Danfengqing replied: "It depends on what he says. If he says he knows him, he knows him."

 The implication is that the two not only know each other but also have a close relationship. And from her intimate tone, you can get the slightest hint of ambiguous relationship.

Even Gu San looked at his father with a look of horror on his face, and began to wonder what they had talked about during the few minutes they stayed outside.

 Why did Elena suddenly invite Mr. Wan to stay at her house in public? What is the difference between inviting a man to sleep with her?

Gu San’s doubtful eyes wandered between the two of them.

The man who bent down to pick up his suit jacket raised his eyelids lazily and glanced at the woman who warmly invited her and the delegation from country M standing beside her.

He replied coldly: "I don't know."

He simply slapped Elena in the face for the ambiguous atmosphere between the two that she had created before, without giving her any face...

“Next time, don’t casually invite men you don’t know. It may easily lead to people mistaking you for being casual. I think openness and casualness in the West should be different.”

Elena’s arrogant expression froze on her face: “…”

  Seeing the man pick up his cell phone, he strode out of the conference room.

  TTThe entourage behind him followed closely.

 In a blink of an eye, only a few people from their side were left in the conference room.

Elena's face turned purple and red, and she stood there blankly, feeling the blood all over her body rushing from the soles of her feet to her face, and slapped her hard.

And the colleague who had teased her before also showed a speechless expression and looked her up and down, humiliating her without words. The look in his eyes was enough to humiliate her to the point of embarrassment.

“TTBoss is really young and promising.”

After the man finished speaking dryly, he sighed and patted her shoulder: "Hey, let's go first."

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