Published at 10th of May 2024 12:45:26 PM

Chapter 5274: I received a reply from Sister Nian two hours ago.

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Chapter 5274 I received a reply from Sister Nian two hours ago

The muscles under Elena's face twitched, and her eyes were cold as she watched them leave one after another, until she was the only one left.

She slammed the information in her arms onto the table, making a 'bang' sound, and then placed her hands on the circular conference table, her chest heaving and panting violently.

 “Ye Wangchuan!”

It was clear that the other party refused to follow her, and still embarrassed her in every way... After Elena was angry, she raised her hand to touch the position of her heart, feeling the accelerated heartbeat below.

 She was actually still attracted to this man, even more so than the previous moment.

Want to conquer him.

 I want people like him to bow their heads.

I want him to step down from the altar and treat me affectionately.


After the three of them walked out of the Waldorf Astoria Building, Ji Lin went to arrange for the others to return to the hotel. Only Gu San and Ye Wangchuan were left standing by the car waiting for Ji Lin to come back.

Gu San found the opportunity and said, "Master Wang, wouldn't it be a good idea if you just reject her directly?"

Ye Wangchuan raised his eyelids slightly and glanced over.

 “Then I’ll send you to live in her house?”

 Gu San immediately shook his head with an expression as if he had eaten a fly: "I won't go, Mr. Wan, please stop joking."

Ye Wangchuan looked at me with disdain: "You were the one who made fun of me first."

Gu San knew he was wrong, so he touched his earlobe and stopped talking.

Ji Lin arranged for the others to get into the car, hurried over, drove the car over, and stopped in front of Ye Wangchuan and the others.

Gu San helped open the car door.

 The man got on the bus first.

Gu San knew the rules and after closing the car door, sat in the front passenger seat.

 The car drove slowly into the night.

 The bright night lights on both sides passed through the car window glass, and the speeding scenery receded.

The man sitting in the back seat had been running around for a day, and his eyelashes and brows were filled with fatigue. He put his hand on the car window and pinched his brow bone with his fingertips. After calming down a little, he picked up his phone, lowered his eyes and unlocked it. WeChat. There is only one person at the top.

The dark-style avatar and his empty white are a perfect match, as if they were a deliberately agreed-upon portrait of a couple.

The above lights up with a bright red 1.

Ye Wangchuan's white fingertips clicked on the profile picture frame.

 The interface jumps into the chat.

 A few hours ago, he got off the plane and sent several WeChat messages to her, and received replies two hours ago.

  [QN:ok. ]

“Hmm.” Ye Wangchuan lowered his eyes and smiled.

 This is Qiao Nian’s concise reply.

He imagined through the phone screen how she would edit and send a reply when she saw his message.

Gu San in front was so frightened that he secretly patted the driver of the car, pursed his lips, and told him to look in the rearview mirror, and then made exaggerated mouth shapes with his mouth.

 ‘What are you laughing at? ’

 Their negotiations today were not going well. The delegation of country m was not as sharp as it was at the beginning, but it still refused to make concessions on the core issues.

 According to the results of the negotiations, they actually did not achieve the expected results.

Wang Ye rushed over, and the negotiation that took place personally did not start well. He couldn't help but laugh on the way back.

Gu San was feeling nervous and frowned several times through the rearview mirror, trying to figure out whether Ye Wangchuan was laughing out of anger or really.

No matter how he made faces and mouth shapes for Ji Lin, Ji Lin treated him like a fool and didn't even give him a look.

 The car quickly stopped at M Hotel.

Ji Lin ignored the resentful Gu San and got out of the car first and went around to the back to open the door.

 “Master Wang, we’re here.”


Ye Wangchuan dealt with the emails that had piled up all day in the car, replying first to the domestic ones that needed him to deal with urgently.

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