Published at 10th of May 2024 12:45:20 PM

Chapter 5278: Aggressive

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Chapter 5278 Aggressive

 The female reporter was shocked for half a second, then immediately shrugged, indicating that he could face the camera and say that she was live broadcasting the interview.

Ye Wangchuan pushed up the flat glasses on the bridge of his nose to cover the storm in his pupils.

"On August 31, 2016, Ms. Chen purchased a mobile phone made in China. The mobile phone suddenly exploded, causing death. The mobile phone manufacturer admitted that the accident was caused by the unqualified batch of batteries. They refused to announce the results of the investigation. Only part of the batch of mobile phones involved in the accident are being recalled, and Guo Jia is not included in countries other than country m, such as Continent F, Continent Y, etc.”

The female reporter’s expression changed suddenly and she didn’t have time to stop her.

"On November 6, 2016, a serious accident occurred in a Model S electric car, causing the entire vehicle to burn. At that time, the two Model S cars slammed into a big tree, and sparks were quickly generated, triggering a fire inside the car. The lithium battery exploded, killing the entire car and all four people on board. Afterwards, Model S only apologized and refused to provide relevant data."

"On March 15, 2018, by coincidence, another major accident occurred when a Model S user lost control of the vehicle and hit other driving vehicles while using the driverless function, killing 11 people. Afterwards, Model S refused to provide the accident vehicle due to the confidentiality of the technology involved in the accident. Driving Record."

His voice was deep and powerful, enough to intimidate all the reporters who gathered around the hotel entrance.

"Both these two companies originate from country m. According to what you just said, they should adhere to the principle of 'human rights first' and disclose all data links to the outside world. The regrettable fact is that they did not agree with what you shouted. Human rights are the same, put human life first as you say.”

 The female reporter was slapped in the face by the facts and became a little irritable: "What you said has nothing to do with the issues we are discussing today!"

 “You asked the question first.”

Ye Wangchuan didn't have any sharp-edged arrogance, just like a leisurely hunter watching his prey in a corner and roaring like crazy.

 “I’m just answering the question you asked.”

The female reporter was at the end of her rope and started to mess around: "So what you are saying is that TT Group and the controlling party behind it believe that technical confidentiality is higher than the human life caused this time. What you did is correct?"         Her such a confused attitude is annoying, Even the reporters traveling with her were embarrassed to speak out with her.

Everyone opened their eyes and waited for the answer from the man in front of them.

They always felt that Ye Wangchuan would give an unexpected answer.

 Sure enough.


"If you can do something that others cannot do, this in itself is an act of hegemony. If this woman wants to discuss issues such as fairness and justice, human rights and freedom with me... I personally suggest that you first interview people from your own country. , ask them if they are willing to disclose the data source now? If they are willing, TT Group will accompany them to the end!"

The female reporter's face turned blue, white and red. She held the microphone tightly with five fingers and she really didn't dare to retaliate in public.

—ModelS is willing to release data.

· ModelS is one of the most advanced technologies in the world they control. There are too many interests involved behind it, and only a fool would disclose the research results for the sake of a few lives.

She is just used to the restrained and elegant Chinese style of doing things, and she is used to fighting for her own interests in a noisy way.

Ye Wangchuan looked at the camera with serious eyes and said: "Science has no borders, but scientists have borders! Technology has no borders, but technology companies have borders!"

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