Published at 10th of May 2024 12:45:18 PM

Chapter 5279: Who is the hunter and who is the prey

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Chapter 5279 Who is the hunter and who is the prey

"If one day TT Group discloses Snapdragon data, it's not that we think we have to disclose the data, but that we are willing to disclose this scientific research data for the sake of investigation results. Even if the research investment behind this data is worth tens of billions, we are united We are willing to compromise the results of many scientists and researchers for the sake of fairness for one person.”

 “It’s because we are virtuous, not because we should do it.”

His eyes were like a deep ocean, hiding endless wisdom and mystery. He turned his head and looked at the female reporter: "Do you understand?"


 Others’ cameras did not hesitate to focus on their peers, not wanting to miss this exciting confrontation at the hotel door.

In the past, female reporters who were sharp-tongued faced men's slow and unhurried answers, but they were like losing their feathers as a fighting cock.

She murmured a few times, but she didn't expect a powerful counterattack, completely losing her fighting ability.

Ji Lin arrived at this time and led others to disperse the reporters gathered at the door of the hotel, leaving an exit for the man: "Master Wan, you get in the car first."

Ye Wangchuan raised his hand and pushed the flat mirror on the bridge of his nose. He faced the high-intensity flashlights of reporters on both sides without moving, passed through the crowd and bent down to get into the Lincoln parked on the roadside.

Gu San also trotted ahead to get in the car. Only then did he understand why Ye Wangchuan had to wear glasses when he went out in the morning.

He sat in the front and asked the man in the back: "Master Wang, did you already know that there were reporters outside?"

Ye Wangchuan took off his glasses and folded them next to his hand. He turned away casually and said, "They failed to achieve their goal yesterday. Today they will continue to put pressure on us from public opinion."

Gu San: "..." This is equivalent to an answer. As expected, Mr. Wang already knew that there were reporters outside...

"These reporters..." Gu San frowned and was about to say something.

 I heard the man in the back row say in control: "Those arranged by hl. They are used to using the media to create excitement."

An important reason why hl has never been able to compete with TT in the technology circle is that as a technology company, hl made its fortune through public relations.

 They do very aggressive marketing on a daily basis, but the quality of their products is not as good as the marketing plan. This is often criticized in technology circles.

 Gu San fell silent upon hearing this.

 “I thought she liked you.”

Ye Wangchuan glanced at him through the rearview mirror, put his hands in front of him, half-closed his eyes to rest, but did not answer his doubts.

There are many people in this world who are willing to abandon their husbands and children, backstab their friends, and be ungrateful for the sake of profit. People's likes themselves are not important.

Like Elena and others, what does love mean to them? It's better to have love as the icing on the cake. Without love, they don't care.

 They only care about their own interests.

Ye Wangchuan closed his eyes and remembered the scene in the Sixth Continent, where Sai Lan slapped him without hesitation and when the ten elders forced him and threatened him with drugs...

 The boundless coldness came over him, as if it wanted to take the opportunity to drag him into the dark abyss.

 Before he fell.

 ‘Come up! ’ It was Qiao Nian who stretched out her hand to hold him firmly and pulled him up.

The black mist that seeped out from the darkness around him and wanted to take him into the abyss dispersed without a trace. Ye Wangchuan seemed to have fallen into a dream full of sunshine.

He didn't have to think about anything in this dream, and his body and soul got a short rest.


at the same time.

 Bo Jingxing sends people to and from the international airport.

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