Published at 10th of May 2024 12:45:15 PM

Chapter 5282: Really good at pretending

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 Ye Wangchuan’s team once again arrived at the hotel where they negotiated yesterday.

The delegation of country m was waiting in the conference room half an hour in advance for the arrival of delegation tt. They arrived early, so naturally they had nothing to do, so they inevitably chatted a little while Ye Wangchuan hadn't arrived yet.

“Do you think the TT Group representatives will give in today?”

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Information, who was slapped in the face yesterday, frowned with two thick black eyebrows when he heard this. He sat on the circular conference table, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, and complained.

 “He really doesn’t have the spirit of a gentleman!”

Others are well aware that she is referring to Ye Wangchuan's blunt statement during the negotiation process yesterday that he would sue her for defamation through judicial proceedings.

 Everyone was holding back their laughter in their hearts and it was hard to show it on their faces.

The man who brought up this topic looked around erratically, coughed, and found someone who could change the topic: "Miss Elena, do you know the boss of TT Group?"

 Everyone looked at the woman he was talking about.

 Elena is wearing a black and white dress today, as elegant as a white swan, with her braided hair falling on her slender neck, making people unable to help but focus on her.

She just happened to raise her head, her eyelashes fluttering, her beautiful eyes showing a little indifference, adding a bit of coldness and nobility: "Yes."

"How do you know each other? I think he is not very old. Could he have studied in the same school as you?" Men are also quite gossipy.

Elena raised her hand to lift up her hanging hair: "No."

 The man was curious: "So how did you..." know each other?

Elena thought over how to answer in her mind, and her petal-like lips had already answered naturally.

 “He is my fiancé.”

   “!”    Everyone was surprised.


They still remembered Ye Wangchuan's indifferent attitude towards her when the negotiations ended yesterday, and it was hard to tell that the two had such a close relationship.

Even the dark-skinned woman couldn't help but laugh: "He is your fiancé? Why did he act like he didn't know you yesterday?"

"Besides, he is your fiancé, and you two are still engaging in mutual acquisition. What does this mean? Are we part of your paly?"

The reason why Elena was able to join the delegation was because of her status as the CEO behind HL, and because she helped country m do something, she became a member of the delegation.

At this moment, she actually admitted directly in front of everyone that she had an unusual relationship with Ye Wangchuan, which was really hard to accept.

 Elena accepted the questioning from the outside world and said calmly: "No, he is the fiancé arranged by my family."

Everyone looked thoughtful.

He then saw her continue: "There was some misunderstanding between us. He had a problem with me, so what happened yesterday."

"As for the question you just asked." Elena looked dignified, frowned, cold and arrogant, and said lightly: "A relationship is a relationship, and a career is a career. Even if he and I get married in the future, hl and tt will both be the same. company."

The questioning woman's eyes changed when she looked at her. She was not as aggressive as she was at the beginning, and she could also see the appreciation for Elena deep in her expression.

 Western women pay special attention to independence and equality, and have a strong concept of competing with men. Elena’s words were high-sounding and hit the softest point in the other person’s heart.

The other party thought she was an independent heroine who was pursuing a career, so she naturally respected her more and no longer laughed at her about what happened yesterday. (End of chapter)

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