Published at 10th of May 2024 12:45:13 PM

Chapter 5284: TT Want to hold a press conference?

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  Chapter 5284 tttt A press conference is going to be held?

 He fired indiscriminately.

“You are lagging behind us in this field, and you have repeatedly asked us to hand over Snapdragon. I just want to ask, do you want to find out the truth of the matter, or do you want to take this opportunity to get Snapdragon from us?”


 The woman slapped the table and stood up.

 Haven't had time to fight back.

The person in charge of the technical department also lifted the table and stood up, rushing in front of her. His fair face turned red and he spoke first.

“Snapdragon is the result of our company’s investment of tens of billions of dollars in research and development. If you ask for it, we’ll give it to you. Can you take responsibility? Can you take responsibility?”

The dark-skinned woman was speechless for a long time.

Who can bear the responsibility of tens of billions? Even if she insists that she is responsible, others will say ugly things in front of her, saying that her bones are not worth two taels of gold.

She gritted her teeth and held it back: "What do you want! You have to give us an explanation and don't solve it!"

 She finally found her backbone when she said this. She took a deep breath and looked sharply at everyone.

"Your drone flew into our airspace and caused serious casualties to our personnel. We are now sitting down to negotiate a solution. We proposed a plan, and you rejected one... OK. You said you would not give Snapdragon data. Come up with a solution, we can’t let you all take advantage of it, we bear the losses.”

The head of the technical department sat back.

Ye Wangchuan curled up his long fingers and tapped lightly on the table, making a crisp sound that attracted the attention of everyone in the past.

 He said the first sentence of the day at this time.

“We will hold a press conference with the global media.”

Elena had a vague feeling of uneasiness.

 Before she could speak, someone couldn't wait to ask: "When?"

Ye Wangchuan, with his starry eyes, said calmly: "This afternoon."

 This afternoon?

 The conference room immediately became a mess. No one in the delegation of country M knew the news. When they suddenly heard about his actions in the afternoon, everyone looked at each other in shock. No one knew what he wanted to do.

The dark-skinned woman also looked stunned. She didn't get an answer from Ye Wangchuan, so she turned to Elena for confirmation.

  Seems like she wants to know some inside information from Elena.

However, Elena looked straight at the man who was a little distance away from her, her eyebrows furrowed, and she sat there nervously, not knowing what she was thinking.

 She failed to get any useful information from Elena, so she had to turn around again, facing the man and pondering not knowing how to ask questions.

Ye Wangchuan stood up, tall and slender, pushed away the pile of documents in front of him, and said calmly and calmly: "We will give you an explanation by then."

 He said before leaving.

“If you care, you can watch the live broadcast on time.”

The other members of the group quickly packed up their belongings and followed him out of the conference room.

 Only members from country m are left in the conference room.

 Everyone was confused when faced with this unexpected situation.

"What's going on? TT is going to hold a press conference, why haven't you received any news before?" Some people were extremely surprised.

Some people did not shy away from asking Elena.

 “Have you heard that TT is going to hold a press conference?”

She then asked: "What are they going to say at the press conference?"

“I don’t know.” Elena’s mood was like a big stone sinking to the bottom of the lake, dragging her down...

The dark-skinned woman frowned and said without thinking: "You are his fiancée. He didn't tell you about such an important thing? Are you two engaged?"

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