Published at 10th of May 2024 12:45:12 PM

Chapter 5285: Master Wan: I have my own arrangements

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Chapter 5285 Mr. Wang: I have my own arrangements

Elena said with a bad face: "I said, an engagement is an engagement, and work is work. We don't confuse engagement with work!"

The dark-skinned woman did not relent: "Then we shouldn't let you know anything about it, right?"

Elena stood up and picked up her handbag to leave: "You guys talk slowly, I'll go back first."

 She said that under everyone's gaze, she picked up her things and left without looking back.

The dark-skinned woman felt disgraced when she saw her leaving immediately. She changed her previous attitude of admiring her and threw the folder in her hand on the table in displeasure.

 “I didn’t say anything, why is she so angry?”

Or the male colleague on the side reminded her: "Didn't you see? Maybe the engagement she mentioned was just wishful thinking. I don't think she showed any interest in her. She was the one-man show throughout the whole process."

The dark-skinned woman frowned and subconsciously defended the same sex: "No way."

"She was the one who said she was engaged, and she was the one who claimed to be his fiancée... But do you remember that she invited her to her home on the first day? She said it in front of everyone, and she didn't know her and wasn't familiar with her. That's not it. Her one-man show!"

“Is it normal for them to quarrel?”

The man shrugged his shoulders and began to pack his things: "What would you do outside when you have a quarrel with your boyfriend?"

 The dark-skinned woman stood there blankly, unable to answer for a long time.

Of course she and her boyfriend quarrel sometimes, and they even throw stools and bowls at each other...but they don't pretend not to know each other outside.

"You can't hide your love for someone." Seeing her deep in thought, the man smiled: "You can't hide your love for someone either!"

So the young and domineering leader of the TT Group made it clear that he was not interested in Elena, and everything was a one-man show.

 Because it’s all fake!

So Elena will not get a response, nor can she get internal news from TT.


at the same time.

People in ˆˆtt are also in a state of confusion.

They left the building. The person in charge of the technical department sped up to catch up and stopped the man walking at the front.

“Master Ye, what do you mean by the press conference that will be held in the afternoon? We are going to hold a press conference?”

Others gathered around him, looking at the man with blank and surprised eyes, waiting for Ye Wangchuan to give them an explanation.

Ji Lin calmly came out and explained: "Master Wang has made arrangements since he got off the plane yesterday, and has arranged to hold a press conference today."

 “Is it true?” The person in charge of tt’s technical department immediately asked for confirmation.

 Everyone is looking at him, waiting for his answer.

The man's deep eyes, crisp suit, well-joined fingers pulled down the tie, and his narrow phoenix eyes swept across the crowd. He said quietly: "I have my own arrangements."

ttThe person in charge of the technical department: “But…”

 Ye Wangchuan interrupted: "We'll talk about it when we get back."


  Waiting to return to the hotel.

Ye Wangchuan opened the video conference and dragged the senior management who came this time into the video conference together with Bo Jingxing, who was still in Beijing.

 He put on a black coat, had broad shoulders and long legs, and was tall and thin. He walked to the camera and sat down in front of the camera with a cup of brewed coffee.

“Okay, now you listen to my plan.”

  Half an hour later.

Ye Wangchuan stopped, took a sip of coffee to soothe his throat, raised his eyes and looked at the camera: "How are you, do you understand?"

 He didn’t turn off other people’s microphones.

 Everyone can speak now.

But just now after everyone listened to his arrangement, they were so shocked that they no longer had the desire to speak, and their thoughts were far away.

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