Published at 10th of May 2024 12:45:08 PM

Chapter 5288: I know Sister Nian is here

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Chapter 5288 I know Sister Nian is here

“Professor, let’s go too.”

 Stephen’s students went over to help him.

 He pushed the student away with a sullen face and chased after him with long strides.


Others saw him getting off the plane and quickly picked up their belongings and followed him.

Stephen ignored the shouts behind him, his heart pounding, and he accelerated to chase the girl in front of him. He caught up with her around the corner and stepped in front of Qiao Nian.

The girl stopped and raised the brim of her peaked cap with her slender fingers, revealing the dark eyes underneath, as if she had just seen him clearly.

 Asked in a lazy tone.

 “Is something wrong?”

Stephen didn't have time to catch his breath, so he took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice: "What are you doing in country m?"

Qiao Nian seemed to be surprised and looked at him with raised eyebrows.

 Steven had a solemn expression on his face and did not give in at all, as if he was stubborn and wanted to figure out the answer, otherwise he would not let her leave.

 Qiao Nian could see the panic underneath his stern mask, raised the corners of his mouth, took off the Bluetooth headset from his ear and played with it on his fingertips: "Professor Steven is not a policeman, right? What if I don't answer you?"

Stephen’s face was as dark as water: “You can’t leave the airport!”

  Without waiting for Qiao Nian’s answer.

 He emphasized his tone: "This is country m!" He was full of threats.

 His meaning is very clear.

If Qiao Nian didn't tell him here, he would use his ability in country m to check Qiao Nian's entry and exit and let Qiao Nian spend the night at the police station.

Who knew that a trace of contempt flashed in the girl's eyes, and she walked around him, with a cold voice remaining in the air: "You try."

Stephen's neck veins popped out, and when he wanted to catch up again, he turned around and saw people getting off the plane one after another.

If he catches up with Qiao Nian again, he doesn't know if he will be recognized.

He watched the girl leave with a gloomy face. The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became... Steven took out his mobile phone and dialed a hidden number: "Hey, I met someone when I came back from Beijing. She is a little strange."

 He told the whole story about how he met Qiao Nian in the waiting room.

 The end.

"You can find a way to get her entry and exit documents. I don't want to cause any more trouble before the new product is released."


 On the other side, it was Elena who was answering the call as expected: "I understand, teacher."

Stephen lowered his voice: "I'm risking my reputation to help you, don't let me down..."

 Elena held the phone, her smile unchanged: "Teacher, don't worry."

Stephen hung up the phone.

 The smile on her face fell to the ground at the same time.

  After Elena frowned briefly, she called out to someone: "Go and check for me, what is Qiao Nian here for?"


 The man in black went about his business neatly.

Elena walked back to the living room with a heavy step, looking down at the coffee cup on the table, making no new movements for a long time.

In addition to needing to know what Qiao Nianlai was doing, she was also eager to find out what Ye Wangchuan wanted to do in the upcoming press conference.

It's just that her status in the family has slipped now, and she doesn't have many people at her disposal. The few people she brought this time were specially allocated to her because Moody was worried that she couldn't handle it alone.

Elena thought of her own defeats in a short period of time, and of her sister who was brought back from the outside and was valued by her aunt.

She couldn't hide her fatigue and sat on the sofa, raising her hands to rest on her forehead to cover the haggardness in her eyes.

But in a blink of an eye, she wiped away the weakness in her heart, touched her cell phone, and sent a message to Moody as usual. Then she sat there and thought about it, and then pulled out Ying Shi, whom she had not contacted for a long time.

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