Published at 10th of May 2024 12:45:07 PM

Chapter 5289: ttDon’t even think about turning over

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 Chapter 5289 ttDon’t even think about turning over

 Her last interaction with Ying 10 was still in the past, when she unilaterally approached Ying 10 to ask about the Victoria Harbor explosion...

 For the first time, Ying Shi did not reply to her message.

 Elena looked at her lonely message and pursed her lips. She wanted to close the chat dialog box, but finally stopped.

  [Anna: I’m going back soon after finishing my work outside. Do you have time to go out for a meal? ]

 She sent the message.

 Pick up the coffee on the table and start drinking coffee slowly.

 In the past, before she returned, Ying Shi contacted a group of people on the island to prepare a reception banquet for her... This was the first time she took the initiative to invite her.

Elena thought she wouldn’t need to wait too long for Shadow Ten to reply to her.

However, the reality was completely different from what she thought.

 Shadow 10 seems not to have logged into the account.

 The dialog box has been silent for a long time.

If the message she sent was not followed by a shallow [read], Elena almost suspected that he did not see the message.

 She sat on the sofa and waited for a few more minutes, but still had no reply from Ying Shi.

She held the phone with a serious look in her eyes and laughed softly: "Ha!"

 Elena's expression changed, and finally she threw the phone out with a sullen face, stood up and opened the door to prepare for the upcoming press conference.

She guessed that TT planned to explain the situation at the press conference this time, to get rid of the negative impact of the drone crash, or to stand up and bear the negative comments, cut off its tail and survive to protect China behind it...

 No matter what move Ye Wangchuan plans to make next, she will be prepared to make the opponent fail.

The country of m counts as half of her territory.

hl is also a media and public relations professional.

No matter how hard TT screens the media attending today’s press conference, she still has the ability to let her own people sneak in and cause trouble.     ttDon't even think about turning over!


 There is still half an hour before the press conference.

Ji Lin was in charge of the order at the scene. He didn’t have time to drive over, so Gu San drove the man to the press conference.

 Waiting for a gap at the traffic light on the road.

Gu San said through the rearview mirror: "Master Wang, people from the major media are coming soon. Are you ready?"

Ye Wangchuan answered the phone, raised his eyes slightly, and met his eyes. He opened the car window to let the wind from outside blow in, and his black hair fell from his forehead. He said gracefully: "Turn around and go to the airport to pick someone up first."

“Now?” Gu San was stunned for a moment, not even noticing that the red light turned green, and said blankly: “Are we not going to the press conference?”

The vehicles behind them started honking their horns wildly to urge them to drive away. Gu San hurriedly turned around and headed towards the airport as Ye Wangchuan said.

It also caused a lot of curses from the cars behind.

He ignored the scoldings and said anxiously: "Master Wang, the press conference is in half an hour. If we don't go there, it will be too late..."

The back row is very spacious, and the man's long legs can be stretched and overlapped without making the space appear cramped. He is in a suit and leather shoes, with a straight posture and no signs of panic in his deep facial features. He said calmly: "Do as I say and pick up people first."

 Who is Gu San still thinking of picking up?

 He knew the answer quickly.

Not long after their car parked outside the airport, Gu San saw a familiar figure walking out of it.

 “Miss Qiao!” He was extremely surprised.

Qiao Nian had already walked to the car, opened the door and got in, bringing hot air into the room, and closed the door smoothly.

Ye Wangchuan handed her a bottle of prepared mineral water and motioned for her to drink some water and take a rest. He also raised the temperature in the car by two degrees to prevent Qiao Nian from going from a too hot environment to a too cold one, and would be hit by the people in the car. The combination of hot and cold gave me a cold.

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