Published at 10th of May 2024 12:45:03 PM

Chapter 5291: The show is about to begin

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 Chapter 5291 The show is about to begin

"Master Wang, you are finally here." Ji Lin stepped forward and immediately saw someone else in the car.

He saw a girl getting off the car from the other side, wearing a peaked cap, sweatshirt, casual pants, and canvas shoes, looking cool and unruly.

 Shouldn’t it be Qiao Nian who is in Beijing?

 Qiao Nian put his hands in his pockets, looked up at the door of the hotel, and turned back to talk to him: "Is it convenient for me to go in?"

Ji Lin recovered from his initial shock and said immediately: "It must be convenient! Miss Qiao, come with me and I will arrange a place for you."

"Would you like to sit in the front or the back?" Ji Lin walked inside, and when he was almost at the door, he remembered that he had forgotten someone important.

He patted his forehead and stopped. He looked back at the man whom he had completely forgotten and said respectfully: "Master Wan, it's almost time. Do you want Gu San to take you to the lounge to prepare?"

Gu San followed. He seemed to know the layout of the backstage of the press conference. He nodded and said to the man: "Master Wang, I will take you there."

Ye Wangchuan looked at the girl a few steps away from him, and his voice was a little lazy and resentful: "You came here specifically and left like this, didn't you mean to help me?"

Qiao Nian turned around and replied nonchalantly: "Didn't you say that in the car? As long as I come here, I will help you?"

 The man’s expression remained unchanged: “Oh, I said that? I forgot.”

“…” As the only witness, Gu San immediately turned his back to the two of them, fearing that he would be called out and asked to provide evidence. He doesn't know how to lie, and he can't be as stupid as Mr. Wan, who lies just as easily as he opens his mouth.

Fortunately, Qiao Nian didn't have the habit of involving third parties. He narrowed his eyes slightly and stood there: "What do you want?"

Ye Wangchuan had a straight posture and dark eyes. He opened his hands towards her and said, "Come here and give her a hug."

  Ji Lin, Gu San: “…”

 I shouldn’t be in the car, I should be under the car…

 The two of them turned their heads almost in tacit agreement, pretending to look at the weather, wishing they could see the sun in the sky making a flower. Qiao Nian has never been a shy person who cares about other people's opinions. She turned around and strode over to him and gave him a hug. She put her hands around his narrow waist and hugged him tightly.

 Lasted for about two or three seconds, she let go again, slightly opened the distance between the two of them, pulled the man's collar down and pulled him down for a kiss.

There is no **** in this kiss, and it leaves immediately.

The girl's eyes were deep, reflecting his shadow. She was clear and powerful, and her voice was hoarse from sitting on a plane for a long time: "Ye Wangchuan, let me tell you that too - no matter what you decide, I will stand by you." side!"

The man was stunned for a second, and at that moment when he was slightly distracted, Qiao Nian retreated from his arms and slipped away like a fish.

"Master Wan." Ji Lin didn't want to be a light bulb, but as an assistant and the person in charge of M Continent, he had to remind him: "The time has come."

 They had less than 5 minutes to prepare.

Master Wang must go backstage first.

Ye Wangchuan's eyes darkened, he raised his hand to press the arch of his eyebrows, then raised his eyes, his eyes were much clearer, and he said to him: "Take good care of people for me."

Ji Lin nodded carefully: "Don't worry, Mr. Wang."

"I'll take you there." Gu San couldn't pretend to look at the sky anymore. The main reason was that the weather was good today, but the sun was too dazzling. He almost shed tears after looking at the sun for too long.

 He took the initiative to go to the front and lead the way.

Ye Wangchuan and Qiao Nian exchanged a tacit look, followed Ji Lin and Gu San into the venue, and then acted separately outside the venue...

 PS: Elena won’t bash for too long

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