Published at 10th of May 2024 12:45:01 PM

Chapter 5294: Sister Nian: What? I stepped on your tail.

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The dark-skinned woman next to her stood up suddenly when Ye Wangchuan announced that the information source would be opened, her face was solemn and ugly.

 “What is he doing...”

The reason why they are pressing on TT this time is because they want to get Snapdragon data, but it does not mean that they want TT to open up its technology sources.

 Once TT opens up the source of Snapdragon's technology to the outside world, it means that it will be useless even if they get Snapdragon's data later.

Because all companies and countries around the world can conduct split research on Snapdragon through the technical sources announced by TT, the data they obtained has become useless and instantly worthless.

Alena also had eardrums ringing.

Her face suddenly became very lively, and she didn't even know that the skin on her palms was broken. Over stimulation caused her to lose the ability to perceive pain.

 She was more shocked than everyone present.

At this moment, a girl’s casual tone came from the side: “Ang, that’s really unfortunate. Snapdragon’s open technology source, Professor Steven’s latest research results to be announced next month may be aborted.”

Elena looked at her suddenly, her eyes as if she wanted to peel off Qiao Nian's skin and bones and swallow her into her belly.

"What? I stepped on your tail." The girl didn't care about her fierce eyes and smiled suddenly: "You are really eyeing Snapdragon's data. You plan to get the data through official channels, and then turn around and give the data to the teacher. 'Gift', and then use him to preemptively publish patents and seize other people's results to develop your own things? I'm surprised. Why do you have to open a technology company if you are not good at these?"

Elena held her chin up, her mouth filled with the **** smell of rust, and said patiently: "What do you know!"

The family and the environment in which she grew up destined her to become the best, otherwise she would be lost among her peers and become the most ordinary person in the Sixth Continent.

Of course she doesn’t want to be someone like Dowell and Brown who is not trusted by the family.

 So she has had a strong sense of competition since she was a child. When she was a child, she competed for her parents' favor, and when she was older, she competed for the family's reliance.

 After she becomes an adult, she will compete for the resources of the Sixth Continent that are tilted towards the new generation. She needs to be good enough to get these things.

 She has indeed achieved her wish to become the recognized top figure among the new generation on the island...but Elena herself knows very well where her limits are.

 If she wants to break through her own limits to reach resources that are otherwise beyond her reach, she must take shortcuts... and gild herself by taking the achievements of others.

 She has done this kind of thing a lot over the years.

 Otherwise, how could there be a perfect genius in the world?

 She is not a perfect genius, but she can pretend to be such a person!

 Qiao Nian just glanced at her and then looked away: "Well, I don't understand and I don't need to understand." She was cold and arrogant enough.

Elena was full of aggression, as if she punched in the fog, missing the opponent's clothes without even touching them.

Qiao Nian continued without looking at her: "I don't sympathize with thieves. Besides, if you steal someone's things, you have to be mentally prepared to be caught."

Elena was vaguely aware that there was something in her words, but she didn't have time to think about it.

Just heard the media question session.

The reporters she arranged couldn’t wait to jump out.

 “Mr. Ye, please stay.”

"You haven't explained the drone crash yet. Let me ask you, by the way, is your sudden announcement of the source of Snapdragon technology a part of what China calls 'abandoning the car to save the handsome man'?" ( End of this chapter)

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