Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:59 PM

Chapter 5295: The superior bows his head

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“As we all know, Snapdragon has not yet been developed. Although it is still a semi-finished project, it will also be TT’s most important project in the next three years.”

"TTIs it too hasty to disclose the source of Snapdragon technology at this time and welcome all technology enthusiasts around the world to download it? Is your rash move related to the current public opinion that the crashed drone was involved in stealing intelligence from other countries? ?”

 The reporter’s words were extremely harsh and tough.

“TTt’s decision to disclose the source of technology at this time is a public relations move to divert public attention!”

“Mr. Ye, please answer.”

The scene fell into deathly silence again.

Someone asked their friends in a low voice: "Which media is this? So brave."

The reporter from Asia Y did not dare to twist his neck: "...Can't you see that this was arranged in advance? Needless to say. The media of country m, their reporter for today's report."

 “Wow.” The world’s most authoritative media.

  Next we have to see how the person in charge of TT answers this question. If he does not answer well, TT’s move to disclose the source of Snapdragon technology will be instantly discredited, and it will be a huge loss.

 The man stopped and walked back again.

  The reporter mistakenly thought that he was in a superior position, raised the microphone in his hand and said forcefully: "Mr. Ye, please be sure to answer the question!"

Ye Wangchuan touched the microphone with his slender fingertips and said with a calm expression, "Are you the reporter of today's report?"

 He directly pointed out the origin of the other party.

The other party was unmoved: "Mr. Ye, it doesn't matter which media I belong to. What's important is that I want you to answer the questions I asked."

 Ye Wangchuan nodded: "I can answer."

Elena's eyelids twitched, and she felt that things were beginning to slip out of her control and move in an unknown direction...

“Do I need an assistant so that my people can come up and demonstrate?” Today he wore gold-rimmed flat glasses, his eyebrows were handsome, and he looked dignified and natural.

He was not asking for the reporter's permission, but more like informing the other party. He looked directly in the direction of Qiao Nian and raised his thin lips affectionately towards the girl: "Nian Nian, come up." 'Shua—'

The people from the M delegation sitting in Qiao Nian's row all looked over and saw the girl raising her hand to pull down her peaked cap, reluctantly stood up, picked up her shoulder bag and lifted her legs up to the stage.

The dark-skinned woman was puzzled: “Who is this?”

Elena kept talking, but couldn't explain Qiao Nian's identity.

Others' eyes fell on her with contempt and mockery that almost penetrated her body, but she had to stay and listen to the whole process.

She knew what the eyes of these people looked at her meant. They were asking her if she didn't call herself Ye Wangchuan's fiancée...

Now Ye Wangchuan has made it clear that he is closer to another person.

 Her fiancée is like a joke.

Elena pinched her fingertips tightly, the veins on her forehead popped out, her heart was beating in her chest so fast that it was about to fly out. A huge sense of shame enveloped her whole body. What made her unable to calm down even more was that after she saw the **** stage, she told the man What sentence.

Then she looked at the dark eyes of the man who had never been friendly to her, only to see the concentration of a girl, and the slightly raised eyelids showed the owner's happy mood.

 This is something she has never had before—the gentleness of a superior person bowing his head!


 On the stage.

Qiao Nian gave him a sideways look and said depressedly, "How did you know I brought something?"

 She just says whatever she thinks.

 “Are you a bug?” (End of this chapter)

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