Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:56 PM

Chapter 5296: This TT Group spokesperson is so cool

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Maybe he has clairvoyance eyes that can see into people's hearts, or he has an infrared scanning function that can scan the things she brought without asking.

Ye Wangchuan was in a very good mood and raised the corners of his lips: "No."

 Qiao Nian glanced at him again and walked onto the stage. Facing the crowd of media from various countries in the audience, she did not show any timidity at all, but acted very naturally.

She did not take off her peaked cap, put her hands in her pockets, and stood in front of the microphone, leaning slightly and looking around. She said in a low voice and nonchalantly: "Hello everyone, I am a staff member of TT. Next, let me show you some of the things we found. 'thing'."

After the girl finished speaking, she didn't care about the commotion of the media reporters in the audience. She turned around and found her shoulder bag, took out a laptop from it, and asked the man where the large screen interface for the live demonstration was. After connecting to the large screen, she stood and spoke. At the edge of the stage, his elbows were propped on the edge of the stage wall, and his hands were typing quickly on the keyboard. The big screen lit up before the media in the audience had to wait long.

Then the large screen played the enlarged pictures and audio data in all directions.

This is the evidence that hl used money to bribe the team leader of the TT Group's purchasing department and secretly replaced the Snapdragon test machine with the other party.

 Qiao Nian never gives the other party a chance to quibble about what he wants to do.

 The evidence she provided formed a tight chain of evidence, giving her opponent little chance to breathe.

“ttI realized that things were not simple as early as when I heard about this accident.”

“Snapdragon is a semi-finished product. We have no immediate plans to launch it on the market. We have our own test flight base. What reason is there to let Snapdragon go to the airspace of country m for test flights?”

 She did not give anyone in the m delegation a chance to refute her.

Hegemony and toughness continued: "Of course, country m can say that we are not trying to fly drones, but to collect data on no-fly zones."

Her dark eyes seemed to have magic power to scan the dark-skinned woman and others, and she continued with cold eyebrows: "Then I ask, why don't we use more mature technology and have already launched the Xunfeng series? Instead, we should use a technology that has not been successfully studied yet. A half-finished product for this mission?”

"That's because!" The dark-skinned woman was anxiously asked and subconsciously opened her mouth to retort. Qiao Nian looked into her eyes calmly and indifferently: "Why?"

 The dark-skinned woman's mind went blank: "Because...because..." She couldn't say the reason for a long time, and she had already lost her momentum.

Qiao Nian never fights with such people. He looked at the media reporters from all over the world again and said to the point with a deadpan expression: "Because Country M doesn't care about the truth. You just want to get the 'truth' you want!"


 The media in the audience were in an uproar again.

 “The spokesperson of this TT Group is so fierce!”

“She was so bold to speak out that she directly pointed out the source of information that Country M wanted to monopolize Xiaolong. She looks quite young, isn’t she afraid of retaliation afterwards?”

"She told the truth. The fact that country M is hyping up the drone crash this time is worth pondering. Who knows what they want to do, but this time they have encountered a tough problem."

 “Who is this person? Are young people so bold?”

 “I can’t wait to get back to posting news.”

Elena didn’t hear the discussions coming from all directions.

Her attention was completely occupied by the secret stories about her using money to bribe TT insiders that were played on the big screen.

 She knew that Qiao Nian would never let her go. (End of chapter)

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