Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:54 PM

Chapter 5298: What a shame

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 Chapter 5298 It’s such a shame

Qiao Nian curled her lips: "Is it okay if I say this?"

 The dark-skinned woman's face changed with shock, and she immediately denied: "How is that possible!"

 They were wrongly accused.

After the incident, they just wanted to use this incident to put pressure on China, and by the way, get the source of Snapdragon development information to make up for their shortcomings in the field of drones.

 They did not cooperate with hl.

hl did it without telling them.

Like everyone else, they didn’t know what Elena had done behind their backs until they saw the evidence.

At this moment, the girl flirted with her and flirted with her, quite generously. Facing the cameras of the global media, she calmly asked, "How do you prove it's impossible?"

 The global media’s lenses are focused on the delegation of country m.

People from the delegation of country m: "..." Proof? This sudden... how can they prove it? Besides, this is not easy to prove at all.

 Proving itself is a difficult task.

 They know it very well.

Qiao Nian just returned their tricks intact!

 But the slap on their faces was so painful that it really caught them off guard.

 The girl took another hard stab.

“What we can prove cannot be proven by you, so how can we believe that you have nothing to do with HL?”

 The delegation was speechless.

Qiao Nian gave up his position at this time: "I have finished what I have to say, let our person in charge tell you the rest."

Ye Wangchuan passed her Yiyi and walked to the front of the stage. He adjusted the position of the microphone with his clear-fingered hands and lowered his head slightly. His jawline shrouded in light was clear.     "I only want to say two things."

“First, TT’s decision to announce the source of Snapdragon technology this time has nothing to do with the drone crash, but a collaboration between us and the United Nations Department of Science and Technology, aiming to promote the development of science and technology for all mankind.”

“Second, we will hold hl accountable for this behavior to the International Court of Justice and reserve the right to pursue prosecution against country m.”

The blood all over Elena's body was coagulated and shattered, and every beat of her heart would rob her of every breath of oxygen she needed to breathe.

Her face looked worse than ever before, her face was as pale as a piece of white paper, bloodless, and the spotlights gathered on her. She stood in the center of the storm like a wandering soul, focusing only on the man on the stage, writing Full of unwillingness and loss.

Ye Wangchuan looked at this farce with cold eyes, his arms open, his brows and eyes melting into the summer light, aloof but without any mercy.

"The above is the entire content of this press conference held today. You can leave on your own."

Ji Lin began to arrange staff to block reporters who came to their senses and wanted to get exclusive interviews.

Gu San reacted faster and quickly walked to the stage and said to the two of them: "Master Wang, Miss Qiao, please come with me. Let's get out of here first."

 Qiao Nian had packed up her laptop silently, carried her bag with one hand, turned around and raised her legs to prepare to follow the arrangements.

 Hands suddenly felt light.

“I’ll do it.” He helped pick up the bag, and used his body to block the continuous clicking sound of photos behind him without leaving a trace.

 Then he patted Qiao Nian's back gently: "You go ahead."


  Qiao Nian did not show off to him, quickly followed Gu San, and left here first.

Ye Wangchuan followed closely behind her with her things, leaving no room for the media reporters behind her to conduct further interviews, and disappeared backstage in the blink of an eye.

With their departure, the on-site media lost the opportunity for exclusive interviews, and naturally turned their attention to the people in country M who had not made arrangements in advance and had no time to leave.

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