Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:53 PM

Chapter 5299: Elena had a big fall

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 Chapter 5299 Elena made a big fall

Elina and her party became the focus of the whole meeting. The media reporters who could not catch up with Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan would not let them go again, and the road was blocked in an instant.

Reporters pointed guns and cannons at their faces.

 One more acute question emerges one after another.

“Excuse me, what do you think of this press conference?”

“The spokesperson of TT at the press conference said that it was suspected that officials from country m were involved in the drone crash. Is this true?”

“This drone crash resulted in 1 death and 3 injuries. Was this what you expected, or were there casualties caused by accidents at the scene?”

"This is not the first time that HL has been involved in a plagiarism incident. Ever since you announced your entry into the field of driverless driving, there have been rumors that you imitated TT. Does this incident mean that HL does not have the ability to conduct independent scientific research? Your teacher and HL's technical advisor Steve Does Professor Wen know?"

There was no trace of blood on Elena's face, and she mechanically pulled away the person in front of her: "Get out of the way, I refuse to answer!"

How could the media miss such a good opportunity? They wanted to poke the camera into her eyes. The camera clearly recorded her embarrassment at this moment.

 “Miss Aina, please answer.”

 “Miss Aina, don’t leave.”

“Yeah, yeah, don’t leave and answer our questions, okay?”

The bodyguards Elena brought desperately tried to squeeze in from the outside, but there were too many people coming, and it would take time for them to squeeze in.

During this period, the woman who had always been praised was surrounded by media reporters, who described her as as embarrassed as a drowned dog.

When the bodyguards finally broke through the encirclement and found her, Elena was pushed and bumped several times, causing her lips to turn white in pain.

The bodyguard said eagerly: "Miss, let's go first." Elena was grabbed by the arm and pulled, her feet were unsteady and she staggered forward and almost fell. Fortunately, she bit the tip of her tongue and quickly forced herself to wake up, raising her legs to keep up with the bodyguard.

 Under the protection of the bodyguards brought by the island, he passed through the crowd and left the venue in a panic.

 But her leaving the venue does not mean that the dilemma was successfully resolved.

 Elena had just walked out of the venue, and before she could get in the car, her cell phone rang.

 She had to stop and answer the phone first.


She knew she was in trouble this time, so she called out in a soft and flattering voice like never before: "Auntie, why did you call me?"

 Erinvo did not appreciate it: "Look at the good things you have done outside!"

Elena bit her lip: "Auntie."

"The Erin family and the Mu family intend to marry, and your sister is also in contact with Mo Di. If everything goes well, he will be your brother-in-law in the future. You have gone to contact him privately several times, and you have also asked him for help. You still have a little bit of status. A girl's self-esteem?" Erinvo interrupted her very coldly.

 Elena was extremely aggrieved and defended: "Moody and I grew up together. Even if we are not lovers, at least we are friends, right?"

The woman on the other end of the phone was extremely displeased: "Don't coax me with these words. I tell you, the heirs of the Irene family can marry for profit, but they cannot play tricks like street prostitutes and rely on men's charity to survive. ! Our Erin family can stand firm on the island, not because of your unscrupulous methods. Think about it for yourself!"

 “Aunt!” Elena had never thought that she would say something so unpleasant. The ends of her eyes were sour and red, feeling humiliated and even more angry.

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