Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:51 PM

Chapter 5301: Sister Nian: You are indeed a humanoid bug

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Chapter 5301 Sister Nian: You are indeed a humanoid bug

With a smile in his deep eyes, Ye Wangchuan lowered his head and kissed the girl's forehead gently, then moved his head restrainedly and asked her, "Would you like to sleep in the car?"


 Qiao Nian could still feel the softness on her forehead that could leave at the touch of a finger, slightly cool and restrained, but also like the ripples caused by a pebble dropped into a lake.

Ye Wangchuan raised the car's fender, dimmed the lights, raised his hand and handed her the eye mask, and said in the dim light: "We don't know where they are going now. I'm watching from the side and I'll call you if there's anything. Go to sleep." Sleep."

 Qiao Nian did not reach out for it immediately, but looked at him deeply with the eyes of a monster: "You are indeed a bug."

  She didn’t say anything, but he knew everything, whether it was a humanoid bug or something.

"Tsk." Ye Wangchuan pursed his lips, his eyes dazzled: "It's whatever you say, and rest quickly."

Qiao Nian was no longer coy, took the eye mask from him and put it on, adjusted the seat back, leaned back comfortably and closed her eyes.

 “Thank you. Call me when you get there.”


 The man seemed to be doing some magic and took out a blanket and put it on her body. Then he leaned over and took out his laptop and started working on it.


 Two hours have passed.

 The car in front finally made the intention to stop.

Gu San carefully avoided the other party's sight and parked the car under the camphor tree across the road.

“Wan—” He was about to turn around to report when he bumped into the raised partition. He was at a loss as to whether he should knock on the partition to remind Wan Ye that those people were getting off the bus.

The man behind him seemed to hear his voice and put away the partition. He had a strong aura and calmly ordered him: "Follow me and take a look."

“Yes, Lord Wan.” Gu San immediately unbuckled his seat belt, pushed the door open and got out of the car. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a girl in the back row who was still sleeping with her hands folded on her body and wearing a blindfold.

He instantly understood why Ye Wangchuan raised the flap to prevent him from seeing. It turned out that Miss Qiao was sleeping... Gu San was distracted for a moment, immediately closed the car door, and followed quickly.

  …     He is very lucky today.

 Elena's cell phone kept ringing along the way. There were calls from country m, her teacher was looking for her, and there were people from hl and IPA...

Her mood was greatly affected by these phone calls. Her face was as gloomy as a dark cloud, and she walked into the building expressionlessly throughout.

  Naturally, she didn’t notice that there was a ‘little tail’ behind her.

 They got on the elevator.

Gu San usually looks out of place, but after all, he is the one who follows Ye Wangchuan, so he can't do this badly.

He patiently pretended to take the elevator and stood at the elevator entrance waiting while paying attention to the numbers of Elena and the others going up.

When the other party's number stopped on the 23rd floor, Gu San's eyes flickered, and he put his hands in his pockets, pretending to be here to find someone, and went to the front desk to ask questions.

 “Sorry to bother you.”

 The front desk immediately replied: "Sir, please tell me."

“I had an appointment with Smith, but I forgot the floor he told me about. I vaguely remember it was on the 23rd floor.”

 Before he finished speaking,

The unprotected front desk immediately said: "Sir, did you remember correctly? The 23rd floor of our building is a private floor and is not open to the public."

 Gu San’s eyes flashed, he patted his head, and said with an annoyed look on his face: “It’s not the 23rd floor? Why do I remember it’s the 23rd floor?”

The front desk said: "It's definitely not the 23rd floor. There's usually no one on the 23rd floor."

Gu San grasped the key point - ‘No one is usually there’.

 That would be much easier to handle.

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