Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:50 PM

Chapter 5302: Little moves that he didn't even notice

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 Chapter 5302 A small gesture that he didn’t even notice

 The front desk also picked up the intercom phone in front of him and said worriedly: "Sir, you can tell me the specific information of the person you are looking for, and I can help you find it."

Gu San showed a friendly smile at this time, took out his cell phone, shook it, and said: "Thank you, I will call him myself and ask him to come out to pick me up."

 “Okay then.” The receptionist put down the intercom phone.

 Gu San said again: "Thank you."

Then he walked out as if he was about to make a call, and his figure disappeared from the sight of the front desk.

 He was sure that no one inside could see him, so he raised his legs and walked towards the other side of the road.


Gu San reported all the information found inside to the man.

Hand said strangely: "I think the security check here is not very strict. How could she think of hiding things here?"

 He was more curious about what Elena was hiding.

Ye Wangchuan slowly turned the computer on his lap and motioned for him to look at the computer screen: "Take a look."

 Gu San stretched his neck and poked his head in, and saw the information about this building on the dimly glowing computer screen.

 “The mysterious Middle Eastern billionaire behind the Kermitiya Tower…”

 He is not slow to read.

It took Gu San two or three minutes to read the news report. It probably said that the building he just entered was an asset purchased by a wealthy Middle Eastern man.

But in this news, this mysterious Middle Eastern rich man is so mysterious that he has not even explained whether he is a man or a woman, whether he is fat or thin, and his age and nationality.

 It is only said that this rich man bought a building for investment with a wave of his hand.

 “This is...” Gu San’s mind has not turned around yet.

I saw the person who had been sleeping there moving, and then took off his blindfold to reveal his beautiful eyes. "Miss Qiao, are you awake?" Gu San immediately realized: "Did I wake you up?"


 Qiao Nian sat up slowly, glanced at the news on the computer, then looked at the environment outside, yawned and said, "This mysterious rich man must be Elena."

 Ye Wangchuan raised the corners of his mouth: "Yes."

Qiao Nian leaned over, enlarged the information on the screen with her fingers, briefly filtered it, and then retracted her position: "Hey, you bought a building to store things? It's quite interesting. The last time I saw this kind of operation, it was in M Smith Bank Headquarters."

At that time, Nie Qingru also hid all the jewelry and collections he had collected over the years, including the man's ashes, in the safe of the building.

Where's Elena? What did she hide here, so she used her identity to buy an entire building to hide her things.

Ye Wangchuan squeezed a bottle of water for her and handed it over, and said calmly: "She deliberately concealed her identity to buy a property. She probably didn't want the island to know."

 Qiao Nian took a sip of water and looked at him sideways.

“In other words, maybe even the island doesn’t know what she wants to hide.” The man’s eyebrows were light, like a Buddha or a devil, making it difficult for people to understand.

 He was still fiddling with the bracelet on his right hand as he spoke.

 Qiao Nian had noticed his habit before.

 Occasionally when he is thinking about something or planning something, he likes to rub the string of prayer beads on his wrist.

Now the string of prayer beads has been replaced by black agate polished by her own hands.

 He will unconsciously lower his eyes and turn the bracelet.

The black bracelet bound his strong wrist, and the finger bones were slender and attractive. The eyes of the hooked person unconsciously fell on his finger. He himself was not aware of this small movement...

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