Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:45 PM

Chapter 5305: Come and get your things first

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 The most important thing is that she knows in her heart that this is the end of it.

 After this incident, she has already lost the entire hl. Even if hl can escape this review, as a nascent technology company, hl has a bad reputation and it will be difficult to make any further progress.

 This was not her original intention in founding hl.

No matter how painful it is for Elena, she still has to cut out the flesh and bones to dig out the hl, and find a way to fill the gap.

As for Steven... When she became an apprentice to this one of the few remaining physicists in the world, she wanted to use his influence to build momentum for HL and expand her connections outside...

Now that hl has become rotten rotten meat, Steven has also become dispensable and worthless to her. She was always smart and never sentimental.

 Since she is useless, she no longer has a pleasant attitude.

“Teacher, if I am you, please quickly find a way to postpone the results conference in May instead of calling me here.”


 Stephen was so angry that he fell on his back.

"You called me teacher before. Are you lying to me?"

Elena smiled, her eyelashes covering her eyes: "How could it be? I really respect you."

Her words of 'respect' now were more like stabbing a knife into Steven's heart. As expected, Steven couldn't stand it and hung up the phone.

 Elena was distracted by this and the car had already driven far away. She had already passed the corner and lost sight of the Crimean Building. She also missed the scene of Qiao Nian and the others entering the building after she left.


 Qiao Nian was determined to see what Elena was hiding this time, so she waited patiently until Gu San went to the front desk again and attracted the front desk's attention.

 She entered the elevator car with Ye Wangchuan again.

  Qiao Nian directly chose the 21st floor.

 After the elevator reached the 21st floor, she got into the fire escape, took out her laptop, sat cross-legged in the stairwell, and commanded people very naturally. “Can you help me find a power distribution room?”


Ye Wangchuan met her eyes and saw from those beautiful pupils that she was talking about him. He shook his head with a dumb smile and turned to find the power distribution room.

He seemed to be a noble young man with a high reputation, and his work efficiency was much higher than that of Gu San. He quickly sent Qiao Nian a WeChat message.

  [Y: Found it. ]

  [Y: What is God Qiao’s next order? ]

 Qiao Nian had just turned on the computer and was about to invade the network here, when his cell phone buzzed and vibrated in his pocket.

She stopped typing half of the code, took out her mobile phone and glanced at the message, then edited the message with her white fingertips and sent it back.

  [QN: Come and get your things first. ]

 The man will be back soon.

  Qiao Nian threw a USB flash drive from the bag he brought with him.

 “Find a place to insert it.” She buried her head and continued typing the code.


Ye Wangchuan raised his legs and returned to the power distribution room. He didn't know what method he used. Within a few minutes, Qiao Nian's computer popped up a reminder for new accessories.

 Proof that he had found a way to insert the USB flash drive carrying the Trojan horse into the computer in the power distribution room.

As the boss of Hongmeng, Qiao Nian, hard-to-find hackers on the black market, can deal with the network here as easily as chopping vegetables.

  She easily avoided all attacks on the world's strongest defense system, used the implanted Trojan horse to replace the monitoring of their entry into the elevator, and blocked all the cameras on the 23rd floor.

 When she finished monitoring, Ye Wangchuan also came back.

 Qiao Nian closed the laptop and held it in his hand. He carried his bag with the other hand. He stood up and followed the man who came over and said, "We can go up." (End of Chapter)

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