Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:42 PM

Chapter 5308: Hidden inside is a stack of cowhide bags

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 That is to say.

Elena herself came in and was greeted by a deadly hidden weapon.

"You're injured." Qiao Niannian regretted his impulsiveness for once. He shouldn't have come in directly. He should have thrown a coin outside to test before going in.

Ye Wangchuan covered his right arm soothingly and wrote lightly: "It's just a small scratch, not a big problem."

 Qiao Nian looked uncertain, but she still grabbed his hand and was unwilling to let go for a long time. She looked hesitant about whether to take him to the hospital immediately.

Ye Wangchuan patted the back of her hand with his backhand and whispered softly: "I'm fine, I just scratched my skin a little. You saw it too, it's not serious."

 He asked Qiao Nian to find something first: "We're all here, let's get things done first. Huh?"

 The last "um" was accompanied by him touching the girl's head, with the same gentle tone as coaxing a child, like a warm breeze blowing through the heart.

Qiao Nian let go of her hand, straightened her lips, turned around and walked inside: "Wait for me here."

 She first looked to see if there were any similar mechanism designs inside.

Ye Wangchuan did not agree to her, and followed her half a step away calmly to prevent any danger.

 Fortunately, this time it went smoothly.

Qiao Nian checked it out and found nothing unusual.

She turned around and looked back to tell him, but that familiar handsome face was so close.

 Qiao Nian’s temples were beating hard.

 He can’t take his own safety seriously!

Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows slightly, as if seeing through: "We are all in the vault, I should wait for you where you are."

 Qiao Nian's heart picked up and then dropped, and she rubbed her fingers in her pocket quickly. This was her habitual way of relieving stress when she was in an extremely irritable mood.

However, the emotions in my heart boiled to the peak and quickly collapsed with the ball of discouragement.

The girl lowered her eyelashes as if resigned to her fate: "Forget it."

 Qiao Nian is not a tangled character. He raised his hand and pointed at the safe: "Come and take a look at this."

 There is a safe inside the vault, and the items in the safe are definitely not ordinary things.   She just looked around when she was looking for an agency.

 Elena's vault is very large, and there are actually not many things in it. Except for some calligraphy and paintings that fill the stage, there is actually nothing of value.

 This is very strange.

She spent a lot of money to buy a building specifically to hide the treasury, so how could she put nothing in it, only some antique calligraphy and paintings?

Qiao Nian opened the safe with skillful movements.

She originally thought there must be something inside, but it turned was just a bag of diamonds, about a hundred of them, with a pretty good color and size.

 Qiao Nian took out the bag containing diamonds from the safe and threw it lightly in his hand. He turned around and leaned against the edge of the cabinet and looked up at the man.

"What do you think?"

 She has little to do with this kind of roundabout method, but she knows someone who is a master in this area.

 Who in Beijing can play better than Mr. Ye?

 Sure enough.

Ye Wangchuan thoughtfully touched the antiques and cultural relics placed on the cabinet shelves when he came across a Bafang Tongding.

 He discovered something fishy inside.

 “There’s some manipulation underneath.”

 After he finished speaking to the girl, he immediately turned the Tongding tripod in his hand, three circles to the left and two and a half circles, following the five elements and eight trigrams engraved on the Tongding tripod itself.

Qiao Nian was not disappointed when she heard the sound of the switch turning on.


 The floor tiles right next to where they were standing sank, revealing a square-inch black space, with a stack of cowhide bags placed in the square space. (End of chapter)

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