Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:38 PM

Chapter 5311: The real murderer emerges

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 Chapter 5311 The real murderer emerges

 Sailan thought so too.

 She probably knew what her father was thinking.

 So after they landed on the island, Sai Lan slapped Ye Wangchuan without emotion, as if he was not slapping his son, but his enemy.

Qiao Nian finally understood the twists and turns, but instead it seemed that she had lost her vocal cords and could not make any sound from her throat.

 She wanted to comfort him.

  I don’t know where to start.

Ye Wangchuan didn't need anyone's comfort. He quickly read the contents of the document bag that Elena had tried so hard to hide.

 Throw away the ones that have no use for them.

He handed a stack of papers to the girl and said in a normal tone: "Look at this."

Qiao Nian pulled away from the slightly heavy atmosphere before, lowered her eyes and opened the documents handed over by the man, her brows tightening more and more as she looked at them.

 “The Faded One?!”

 The Faded One is not an ordinary thing, but the most lethal weapon among the currently known nuclear weapons. It is named the Faded One.

Qiao Nian has seen this name in Ji Qing's diary.

It is said that the person who mastered them named it "Faded One" because they wanted to use this weapon to achieve a blood cleansing.

There is a group among the most cutting-edge people in the world that has been committed to implementing a genetic cleansing plan for all mankind, that is, a human cleansing plan.

They believe that inferior humans should not exist and ordinary people should be ‘cleaned up’ to achieve the purpose of cleaning the earth.

 According to their theory, ordinary people are not qualified to survive on the earth and use the earth’s resources. They only need to leave a small number of ordinary people to do low-end jobs for them, and the remaining humans should be 'cleaned', leaving an earth where only high-level humans exist.

 This is the human cleanup plan.

 They developed a destructive weapon in order to clean up the human race. Ji Qing called it the "Faded One" in his diary. The energy in nuclear weapons has radiation that changes human genes.

Even if someone can survive a nuclear explosion, they will not be able to reproduce due to the presence of mutated genes.

 They will suffer a painful death.

 Qiao Nian has been looking for information on the ‘Faded Ones’, but she didn’t expect to find data about the Faded Ones in Elena’s vault today.

 This data shows that...the Sixth Continent has been the promoters of the Faded Ones, who are the ones who try to implement the human cleansing plan.

"There is also a piece of information about your mother in it." Ye Wangchuan watched the girl's eyes turn from light to dark, and there was an aura of hostility lingering around her, as if she would fall into boundless darkness if she didn't call her.

 He reminded the girl aloud.

 Qiao Nian was suddenly snatched out of the darkness, took a deep breath to calm down, and turned to the information behind the faded person with a sullen face.

 Sure enough, there are some records about Ji Qing.

 Elena probably doesn’t know who her parents are, nor does she know that the information she holds belongs to Ji Qing.

 Because the annotation written by Elena on the document bag was ‘SSS confidential document’, only half of the information remained in it.

 The above records an accident that occurred in uninhabited high seas.

 The accident killed hundreds of people.

 One of the people with the number 957 marked the records of "death" and "no bones left".

They also specifically recorded that this accident was led by them, combined with the power of the reclusive family Nie Qingru and several royal families.

 These people received a lot of benefits from the island afterwards.

Zi Shi Dao is the real murderer who drove Ji Qing’s death!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!