Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:33 PM

Chapter 5313: Everyone is here

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Chapter 5313 Everyone is here

 She should have stayed in country m to continue handling the next matters.

The family asked her to go back overnight, so Elena had no choice but to leave the mess behind and return to the island first.

“Miss, we are here.” The driver carefully opened his mouth through the rearview mirror to remind the woman in the back seat who was concentrating with her eyes closed.

Elena slowly opened her eyes, turned her head and saw the familiar manor outside the car window. She gave a low response, suppressed the tiredness on her face, and picked up her satchel.

The driver got out of the car first and opened the door for her, and Elena got out of the car without any effort.

 She met her parents who had also just arrived outside.

Elena walked over with a twitch between her eyebrows.

 “Dad, Mom.”

 She was a little confused: "Why are you here?"

The noble lady in a tea dress carrying a delicate and compact handbag came down and saw her baby daughter. Mrs. Hill couldn't hide her joy and took her hand.

 “Baby, let mommy take a good look at you.”

Her Danko-coated hand touched Elena's face, and she couldn't hide her distress and said: "It's hard outside? Look how thin your little face has become."

Elena took her hand and shook her head: "Mom, why did you come to my aunt?"

"Your aunt asked us to come." Her father was a middle-aged stout man who was not as well-maintained as Mrs. Hill. His protruding belly and swollen eyes could tell his age at a glance.

Mrs. Hill took over: "Yes, your aunt called us and asked us to come over."

She asked Elena in confusion: "Baby, why are you here too? When did you come back? Even if you don't go home, your father and I don't know you are back."

"I just landed, and my aunt called me back and said she wanted to find me, so I came here first. I thought I was going back at night, so I didn't tell you. I wanted to give you a surprise." Elena heard it. She was complaining in her tone, and she was still thinking about the reason why Irene Wo suddenly called her back. "You are still considerate." Mrs. Hill smiled as expected, took her arm affectionately and pulled her inside.

Elena listened to her words absently along the way, until the three of them came to the living room and saw many elders in the family there.

Elena straightened her back and vaguely noticed an unusual aura.

"Your sister is here too." Mrs. Hill came in and saw so many people there, and then she saw her little daughter walking among the crowd like a hostess to greet the elders in the family. Her beautifully made-up face instantly darkened, and she whispered angrily: "Looking at her look, you would have thought she was someone else's daughter!"

After her reminder, Elena also noticed the green-haired girl who was comfortable among the elders, and felt a sense of crisis in her heart.

She narrowed her eyes before she could.

The girl who was talking to the family elder seemed to feel the gaze she was looking at, and she looked right at her.

Elena received undisguised contempt and provocation from her eyes.

 She is easily angered.

 Just about to stare down.

 Erinvo came out.

 “Clan leader.”

 “Clan leader.”

Eileen Wo is wrapped tightly from head to toe. She wears black all year round. Today she is also dressed in black from head to toe. With her meticulously combed hair at the back, she looks like a Taoist nun who has seen through the world of mortals, rather than holding an ambitious position like the head of a clan. .

 “Clan leader.”

Wherever she went, the people of the Erin family were all willing to surrender, lowering their proud heads to show their respect for the visitor.

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