Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:31 PM

Chapter 5314: I want to change the heir

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 Chapter 5314 I want to change the heir

"Clan leader." Even the white-haired old man with a higher status than Eileen Vo is like this, which shows Eileen Vo's status in the hearts of everyone in the Eileen family.

Mrs. Hill was also looking at her sister-in-law, and she felt twisted with jealousy when she saw her accepting everyone's submission.

  When Erinvo stopped in front of them, she controlled her facial expression very well and bowed as a lowly person.

 “Clan leader.”

 Her husband bowed his head in the same way: "Sister."

Erinvo's gaze swept across the two of them, and as light as a feather, it landed on the woman next to him, becoming sharper.

Elena gritted her teeth and lowered her head: "Clan leader."

 She used to affectionately call Eileen Wo her aunt in private situations.

This time I didn’t dare to shout like that.

She always felt that the way Irenevor looked at her this time was like a sharp knife, so cold that it penetrated people.

 At this time, the green-haired girl came over.

 She spoke to Eileen Waugh in a normal tone.

 “Aunt, should I go first?”

Elena and Mrs. Hill frowned in displeasure. Due to the fact that Erinvo was here, they did not dare to say anything boldly.

Erinwo called the girl who was about to leave in a gentle tone: "You stay."

The green-haired girl looked at Mrs. Hill and Elena, then at the cold-faced and frosty-browed Irene Wo, and obediently went to wait aside.


Erinvo was very satisfied with her obedience. He took the time to deal with Elena's family and walked straight over. With a cold face, he told his brother and sister-in-law: "Sit down."

Seeing her husband sit down, Mrs. Hill sat next to her and wanted to reach out for her daughter: "Lina, come here too." Elena was uneasy. Before she could sit down with her parents, she heard her aunt's cold voice. A bone-chilling voice: "Who told you to sit down too?"

  Elena half-bent her knees before sitting down completely. Her whole body was stiff and she dared not move: "Gu, the patriarch."

 “Did I let you sit down?” Eileen Wo remained unmoved, like an iceberg, making it impossible to see her true inner thoughts.

Mrs. Hill became restless: "Patriarch, I..."

 Erinvo turned his head to look at her and said, "It's okay, you sit down."

Mrs. Hill's cheeks turned green and red, her expressions changing, she felt the unusual atmosphere and couldn't help but hold her breath.

Elena couldn't maintain a half-sitting posture, so she had to stand up completely and stood beside her parents with her hands down.

 “Chief, it’s my fault, I shouldn’t have made the decision.”

Everyone present heard Mrs. Hill telling her to sit down, so she went to sit down. However, she admitted her mistake voluntarily and kept her posture very low.

If in the past Eileenvod would definitely give her face and let things go, this time Eileenvod's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations.

Facing Elena's weakness, she just said in a nasal voice: "Yeah."

 Just never look at Elena again.

 She said to Mrs. Hill and his wife, "I'm calling you over today to announce something."

Elina felt a deep sense of uneasiness in her heart.

 She watched helplessly as her aunt turned her head and waved to the green-haired girl beside her: "Come here."

The green-haired girl walked over.

Aileen Wo held her hand in an intimate manner, looked around, and announced to everyone in a normal tone: "Every elder knows that I have never married in my life, and I have no children. But our Aileen family has In addition to me, there are also my brother and my sister-in-law who gave me two nieces, which is enough for me to choose a suitable successor."

Mrs. Hill stopped her sharply: "Sister-in-law, you can't..."

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