Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:27 PM

Chapter 5320: She doesn't look like a medical student

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 Chapter 5320 She doesn’t look like a medical student

"I can't keep my voice down." The person on the other end of the phone said this, and unconsciously lowered his voice: "What's going on with you two? Why are you going to the hospital so late at night?"

 Qiao Nian raised his eyes and looked around. There were people coming and going around, including adults and children, and two couples accompanying each other...

She didn't see who was secretly filming them. Anyway, no one came to disturb her from the time she came to queue to the time she got her number.

 Qiao Nian didn't care about the sneak shots and hot searches Jiang Li said. As long as she didn't disturb her, there was nothing to worry about.

 She said succinctly: "He is injured."


Qiao Nian put away the phone again and waited for her eardrum to recover a little before she reorganized her words and said quickly: "It's just a scratch on his arm. It's not serious. I'll take him over to the doctor for disinfection and bandage."

Jiang Li's heart was relieved: "That's good..."

There is only one single seedling left in the Ye family, and the little devil is still young. The last time there was news that they fell into the sea and their lives were uncertain, the capital city was not peaceful, and many forces were ready to take action.

At Ye Wangchuan's position, there are too many things he can't help himself, and one move can affect his whole body... At least the country can't let anything happen to Ye Wangchuan.

 Qiao Nianxue's white face was stained by the hospital lights and turned into a light color: "Do me a favor. Help me remove the hot search."

Jiang Li said nothing: "No problem."

Afterwards, Jiang Li said a few more things about his family and then hung up the phone.

The girl leaned against the wall and turned her wrist. Just as she put away her mobile phone, she heard the doctor calling in the clinic.

“On the 23rd, you can come in.”

  Qiao Nian took out her little piece of paper and looked at it. The bright number 23 was on it.

She raised her legs and walked over to call someone.

 The two of them entered the consulting room together.

 In addition to the doctors on duty, the emergency room also has auxiliary nurses. The two of them entered front and back. The small consulting room was immediately cramped, and the doctor felt that the light in front of him dimmed.

 He raised his head and saw the patient coming in, and was stunned instinctively.

 “You...come to see a doctor?”

 Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan are both very handsome people. One person is enough to attract attention, and they both appear at the same time and stand together.

  It was as if I had accidentally entered some celebrity award ceremony, which made people's eyes light up and at the same time, they were in a daze.

 Qiao Nian boldly pulled up the chair, pushed the man down on the chair, and pointed to Ye Wangchuan's torn sleeve: "He came to see a doctor. Please help me check whether the wound is infected."

Ye Wangchuan covered his forehead helplessly, raised his eyes with tenderness, and nodded to the doctor: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Ah." The doctor reacted and turned around to call to the nurse: "Go over and cut his sleeves open, and I'll take a look at the wound."

“Okay, okay.” The nurse glanced at the handsome man sitting on the chair and pushed the tool box over.

 She took out the small scissors from it and was about to go over.

Suddenly a hand came across in front of her, blocking her way.

Before the nurse could react, she heard a cool female voice saying to her: "I'll do it."

 Qiao Nian was a little surprised when he saw the doctor.

 “I also study medicine.”

 “Are you a medical student?” the emergency doctor asked in surprise.

They medical students have many courses and complicated things to memorize. They are generally unkempt in their daily lives, and most of them look like ordinary people.

 After all, studying medicine requires calmness, otherwise it will be difficult to graduate successfully.

In his eyes, Qiao Nian obviously didn't belong to the type with ordinary appearance and sloppy temperament, especially when the doctor glanced at her thick hair and raised his hand to touch the sad top of his head. He really didn't believe that the girl in front of him would get involved with a medical student. Up there.

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