Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:26 PM

Chapter 5321: I feel redundant for a moment

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Chapter 5321 I instantly felt redundant

"Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tsingta University." She took the tool from the nurse very naturally, walked over and cut open the sleeves of the man's shirt with a deft movement, and took out the tweezers to clamp the edges to prevent the fabric from rubbing against the wound and causing unnecessary irritation.

The man's arms have clear muscle lines, and his slightly raised eyes are very attractive.

 She turned to look at the attending doctor: "See if this works."

The attending doctor was still immersed in shock, his eyes fell on her, and he couldn't connect her with Chinese medicine.

Those Chinese medicine practitioners are more sloppy than their Western counterparts. Shouldn’t they look like they are wearing cloth shirts and old Beijing cloth shoes, holding a thermos cup in their hands, and the cup is filled with various tonics.

There are still such young and unruly girls studying Chinese medicine?

“Doctor?” Qiao Nian called him again.

He suddenly came back to his senses, his eyes turned away from the girl, and when he touched the man's slightly aggressive eyes, a burst of electricity ran through his tailbone, and he quickly got up and went to check.

"How did he get this injury..." After a brief inspection, he found a wound that looked like a sharp weapon. He raised his head and looked at the girl with suspicious eyes: "Did you have a fight?"

 Qiao Nian was startled at first, but then she realized what he meant, and immediately twitched the corners of her mouth, showing a dumbfounded expression, but she admitted: "Ang."

The doctor couldn't believe it even more: "You beat him like this?" He even went under the knife!

Ye Wangchuan patted his shoulder and reminded him in a low voice: "Doctor, please look at him quickly."

The emergency doctor turned to look at him again, and when he met the man's steady gaze, any shock was gone.

If someone is willing to be beaten, he should stop meddling in other people's business.

He quickly put on sterile gloves and examined the injury on the man's arm, and found that the cut was not too deep and did not damage the muscles and bones inside, but only cut the flesh and blood.

He took off his gloves after a brief look and threw them into the medical trash can nearby. He walked back to his computer and sat down.

“His problem is not serious, it’s just a skin injury. Just in case, I’ll give him a tetanus injection. After you pay the fee, go to the injection room and see a nurse for the injection.”

 He finished prescribing the medicine in the background, then raised his head and looked over. "His wound...will you take care of it, or let us nurses help?"

Ordinary people must be helped by nurses. The emergency doctor is not sure whether she is willing to let the nurse come. After all, she did not let the nurse touch the man's clothes just now.

Qiao Nian seemed not to notice his gossip. He opened the medicine box next to him and replied calmly: "I'll do it."

The doctor had a serious expression on his face and nodded slightly: "Okay, you can do it yourself." After all, he was a top student in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Tsinghua University, so he was not worried about the other party not being able to handle the small matter of disinfection and bandaging.

 Qiao Nian quickly helped to treat the wound and wrapped his arm in circles with the spare cotton cloth in the medical kit.

After tying the knot, she picked up the small scissors on the side and cut off the excess gauze and returned the thing to the nurse.



The nurse didn’t expect that she was also a medical student. She looked at the two of them and said, “Um, do you want me to take you to the injection room?”

 Qiao Nian paid for it on her mobile phone, raised her legs to go to the pharmacy to get medicine, and pointed at the man who put on his coat and stood up.

“You take him there first, and I’ll go find you after getting the medicine.”


The nurse turned around to talk to Ye Wangchuan when she saw the man pursed his lips, his jawline was sharp, and he raised his eyes at the girl.

She instantly felt redundant.

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