Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:18 PM

Chapter 5328: Sister Nian: When do you plan to break up?

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Chapter 5328 Sister Nian: When do you plan to break up?

 Qin Si could no longer hold back his temper because it was hard to say anything outside, and he stood up, causing the table to jingle.

“I respect you all as elders, and there are some things that are difficult to say, but it seems that I must make it clear today.”

Qin Lang frowned: "Qin Si!"

Qin Si ignored him, and with a stern look on his face, he glanced at the people in the audience, including his father and mother, and said firmly and forcefully: "I don't know how to get married. I have no interest in what you are talking about, Miss He! The matter between my girlfriend and I is just I don’t bother you all. If she wants to marry me in the future, we will get married. If she doesn’t want to be with me, I won’t get married. So there will be no marriage, not before, not now, and not in the future! I hope you will stop using my feelings as a topic of conversation! This is disrespectful to me, let alone my girlfriend."

Qin Si even ignored Mrs. Qin's defeated expression, took her mobile phone, and walked straight out without even giving Qin Lang face.


"You don't have to wait for Mr. Wang and Sister Qiao to come back. I don't care about your meal, so this is the most honorable way for me to leave."

 After Qin Si left.

 The box returned to silence.

Qin Lang looked at the table full of dishes that had not yet been touched, picked up the chopsticks with a straight face, and said calmly without looking at the others: "Let's eat."

Mrs. Qin felt very uncomfortable. She moved and was not in the mood to eat. She asked in a low voice: "You also think I was wrong?"

"The top student from the He family who came back from Stanford's aerospace major will definitely pursue a career in scientific research in the future. Her dad is one of the people in charge of Tianyan and has a deep family background... It is understandable that I would choose this way. Why can't he understand me? "

 As a mother, is it difficult for her to understand that she wants her son to find a better person in marriage? Why doesn't even his son understand her.

Mrs. Qin herself is not a noble lady who only enjoys eating and drinking at home and only goes to watch shows. She is also considered a strong woman and manages many companies in her own hands. She is not a soft-tempered person, and she is always stubborn and refuses to change the things she believes in, especially when it comes to Qin Si's life-long events.

Of course she knows that Qin Si's current girlfriend is Qiao Nian's friend.

She wants to have a good relationship with Qiao Nian, but that doesn't mean she is willing to use her son's marriage as a bridge. She has never been that fond of that charming woman.

From her first impression, it can be judged that Guan Yan is definitely not a woman who is willing to be **** in a cage and take care of the family for the sake of a man.

What's the use of Qin Si marrying such a wife?

She was still muttering in a low voice: "I just think He Jia is better and more suitable." Their family is in charge of information network, and He Jia's father is one of the people in charge of Tianyan. The two families are perfectly matched, and there is no better match.

Qin Lang lowered his eyes, did not answer her question, and called her in a more serious tone: "Okay, let's eat first!"

From the corner of her eye, Mrs. Qin glanced at the relatives in the box. She realized that she had talked too much, so she reluctantly closed her mouth and slowly picked up the chopsticks.

 A table full of delicacies was placed in front of her, but she lost her appetite.



Qin Si trotted to catch up with the man and woman who left.

He didn't care about breathing, and blocked the two of them with his long arms. He mainly looked at the girl and apologized solemnly: "Sister Qiao, I'm sorry. I didn't know that my mother would mention Guan Yan. What she said did not mean what I meant."

The girl ignored him, tilted her head slightly, put her hands in her pockets and asked him coolly: "When do you plan to break up?"

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