Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:16 PM

Chapter 5330: Don't worry, I won't speak for Qin Si

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Chapter 5330 Don’t worry, I won’t speak for Qin Si

  Rose from the illegal zone cannot grow in the greenhouse.

A rose growing freely in the wilderness should not be placed in a greenhouse and allowed to be pointed at by people outside, commenting on whether her petals are beautiful and whether her branches are up to standard...

 Chin Si did a poor job in this regard.

 Qiao Nian was somewhat dissatisfied with him.

Ye Wangchuan knew that what she said was not to interfere with other people's feelings, but just to protect a friend who was being criticized maliciously.

“Don’t worry, I won’t speak for Qin Si.”

 “He is indeed lacking in handling this matter.”

He didn't mean to take any side to help and said matter-of-factly: "This has something to do with the environment in which he grew up. The Qin family pursues a tolerant education, which is different from me and Bo Er. He went abroad in high school and spent his entire life abroad. He was in adolescence. His family did not control his studies, nor did he ask him to get involved in family matters early. It was not until he met Guan Yan the year before last that he began to officially take over the family's relationships and business... Before that, he could only occasionally help the family. . This has cultivated his habit of obeying the family's arrangements when dealing with things. His parents will arrange everything for him and he does not need to worry."

“He only disobeyed his parents’ arrangements for the first time regarding the inkstone, and he said that he had to rely on his own ability to stand on his own.”

"He has done well in the past two years. He quickly adapted to the high-intensity work pressure and withstood the pressure from home. But he started late. No matter how hard he works, he can't change the fact that he started later than others. He He also needs help from his family, and sometimes it’s not easy for him to refute their family’s face even if they say a few words.”

The destructive manic and depressive energy in Qiao Nian's heart had dissipated a lot, and she subconsciously frowned again, but was gently brushed away by the man's fingertips.

 “Don’t frown.”

 She could feel the warmth from his fingertips against her skin. She was distracted and was about to say something.

 Ye Wangchuan's cell phone rang.

Qiao Nian regained her emotions, shrugged her shoulders and signaled to him: "You answer the phone first."

Ye Wangchuan took back his hand, took out his mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID. It was actually a call from Ye Maoshan.

 At this time, it is said that the old man has fallen asleep. Ye Wangchuan picked up: "Hey, Grandpa."

 Ye Maoshan’s voice sounded like a bell: “Where are you?”

He caught a glimpse of the person next to him from the corner of his eye and said softly: "Qiao Nian and I are eating outside, what's wrong?"

"Ah, Nian Nian is here too?" Ye Maoshan on the other end of the phone lowered his tone unconsciously, and his voice became much gentler, unlike the business-like toughness when talking to him: "Why did you eat so late? What did you eat? What did you eat? Are you full? You don't care much about Nian Nian."

Ye Wangchuan chuckled helplessly and said: "Okay, I didn't say it openly, so she couldn't hear it. If you always want to ask me for something, just tell me."

"You brat!" Ye Maoshan raised his voice and wanted to teach him a lesson again. When the words came to his lips, he thought of business and suppressed his temper: "You come home, it's hard to talk on the phone."

"Now?" Ye Wangchuan glanced at the time on his phone. It was not too early. What urgent matter required him to go there at this time.

Ye Maoshan didn’t want to say more on the phone: “Come over and talk to you first.”

 Add a sentence at the end.

“Nian Nian can come over if you want.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Maoshan had already hung up the phone.

"..." Ye Wangchuan reluctantly took away his phone, glanced at the heartthrob sitting next to him, and said with deep eyes.

“The old man asked you to come with me, do you want to go?”

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