Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:15 PM

Chapter 5331: It's really urgent to find someone in the middle of the night.

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Chapter 5331: It’s really urgent to find someone in the middle of the night

 Qiao Nian is not a person who likes to get entangled. He quickly removed his emotions from the unpleasantness of tonight's dinner and nodded calmly after hearing this.


 She actually looks cold on the surface and treats her elders with more respect and politeness than many people. As long as she is not too busy, she is willing to give them enough face.


 The old house of the Ye family is still brightly lit as daylight as it approaches nine o'clock.

 After Qiao Nian and the others arrived, they soon discovered that someone else was here.

The man standing with his back to them was like a white crane. He turned his head, revealing a familiar face. He raised his hand and pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. The lenses reflected a layer of dim light, and the fox eyes hidden behind them narrowed slightly. Unexpectedly, I saw Ye Wangchuan and Qiao Nian coming together, and greeted them leisurely.

 “Miss Qiao, Wangchuan.”

Who is it not Bo Jingxing standing there tall and tall?

 Today he was wearing a brown suit over a dark shirt, with a dark blue silk scarf stacked on the collar, looking elegant and gentlemanly.

 “I knew Mr. Ye called you over.”

He said to Qiao Nian calmly and generously: "Miss Qiao, I haven't seen you for a few days. How are you doing?"

"It's okay." Qiao Nian wasn't very familiar with him, nor was he a stranger. When Bao Jingxing said hello first, she didn't lose face.

After Bao Jingxing politely spoke to her, he raised his eyes and said to Ye Wangchuan, "Qin Si is asking him to go out for a drink, and he sounds not in a good mood. I came here, and I don't know what happened to him."

Qiao Nian pulled down his peaked cap, pretending that he didn't hear what they were talking about, and said to the two of them: "I'm going to find Aunt Lan."

"Okay, she's inside." Ye Wangchuan answered her first, and then replied to Bo Jingxing: "Don't worry about him, he's full." Bo Jingxing:…

 What did Qin Si do to offend the young master?

He was not a gossip. Seeing that Ye Wangchuan was asking him to leave the matter alone, he ignored him and said to him: "Mr. Ye probably asked you to come back because of the observatory."

 “Hmm?” The man’s tone rose, probably without knowing it.

Bo Jingxing continued: "The Sky Eye in the mountains of Guizhou Province is damaged. The engineering team went there the day before yesterday. It is said that the Sky Eye has not been repaired yet. And there is news that foreign starlinks have affected the Sky Eye's satellite signal reception, causing some functions of the Sky Eye to stop working. . The people in the engineering team can't handle it, so they want to find an outside technical expert to provide support. Mr. Ye probably asked you to come back because he wanted to ask you if you know any technical personnel in this field. "

Ye Wangchuan stopped talking about serious matters and said, "What's going on? The He family has always been responsible for this."

"Hey." Bo Jingxing told him the cause and effect of the matter in a concise and concise manner, and then said: "The damage to the main body of the Sky Eye is related to the strong wind in your province some time ago. As for why the satellite signal cannot be received, I can only say... maybe some people deliberately Give us a stumbling block."

 He did not say who.

Ye Wangchuan heard what he meant.

Sky Eye is one of the most successful cutting-edge scientific research projects in country Z.

It can monitor objects around the earth and space meteorites, improving the ability to monitor external threats. It also plays an important role in the field of optical radio astronomy. It can detect radio waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic waves of these wavelengths can penetrate interstellar dust and gas, thereby observing celestial phenomena that cannot be observed by visible light telescopes, such as pulsars and the Milky Way. The black hole at the center, etc.

These research data can help many domestic scientists gain advantages in astrophysics, space science, earth science and other fields.

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