Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:10 PM

Chapter 5334: Miss Qiao, can you give me your friend’s contact information?

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 He obediently let Qiao Nian hold her hand throughout the whole process, and followed her sister step by step.

“Sister, can I go home with you tonight?”

Soft and glutinous, it’s as sweet as ice cream in summer.

Bo Jingxing immediately turned his head and glanced in someone's direction, and sure enough he saw the man raising his eyebrows in interest.


Bo Jingxing:…

Ye Qichen obviously heard his uncle's rejection. He pretended as if he hadn't heard it, raising his head and his big eyes full of melancholy.

 “Sister, I want to go home with you.”

 Qiao Nian's heart melted when she touched his eyes. She raised her hand to touch his head and agreed naturally: "Of course."

 Ye Qichen showed a sincere smile: "Really!"

Qiao Nian hasn't answered him yet.

Ye Wangchuan picked the person up from behind and put him aside, teasing him in a very bad way: "It's not enough just for her to agree. I have to agree as well."

Ye Qichen's little face instantly became disgusted. He turned around and complained to Ye Maoshan: "Grandpa, he bullied me, beat me, and choked me."

Ye Maoshan immediately glared at him: "Why are you bullying a child?"

 “Chenchen come to me.”

Ye Qichen slowly moved over, his eyes still attached to Qiao Nian, reluctant to leave, wishing he could run back as soon as Qiao Nian called.

Ye Wangchuan looked at his coquettish look, chuckled briefly and shook his head. At least he didn't tease him any more.

 Qiao Nian raised her hands and watched them playing around, curling up the corners of her mouth. Joy overflowed from her eyes and shone with a rare softness.

Ye Maoshan also told her about the Tianyan in Guizhou Province and asked Qiao Nian if she could help.

Qiao Nian thought about it and said: "I'm not good at radio astronomy, I'm afraid I can't be of much help..."    "That's it." Ye Maoshan rarely heard anything from her that she was not good at. Although she was a little disappointed, she quickly adjusted. G.

 “I’ll think of other ways.”

Qiao Nian stopped him: "...Although I am not good at this field, I have a friend who is an expert in this field. If she is willing to help, maybe we can solve the current dilemma."

Ye Maoshan’s eyes lit up: “She is in Beijing?”

Qiao Nian shook her head: "She is not in the country."

Ye Maoshan was inevitably anxious: "Then..."

Qiao Nian knew his eagerness, so she took out her cell phone and walked to the side and said, "I'll call and ask her about her wishes."

 Ye Maoshan was waiting anxiously there.

Qiao Nian didn't let him wait long. After making a phone call a few minutes later, she returned and followed the old man who was anxious to know the result: "She happens to be in Y Continent. I told her that she is willing to help. Tonight's flight is expensive." Save. But I’m afraid I won’t be able to go there until tomorrow.”

 She still has something to deal with.

 As for the Faded Ones and the data they had studied before, she needed to stay up late to make a summary and give it to Master Cheng and the others.

 She will definitely not be able to go to your province tonight.

But Guan Yan is not familiar with the place there, so he can't go there without being greeted. Someone comes here to help. It would be rude for them not to be greeted.

 At this time, Bo Jingxing stood up and said, "I'll go."

 When he saw Qiao Nian, they all looked over.

Bo Jingxing said calmly and calmly: "I was going to visit your province, and I happened to leave early. Miss Qiao can send me your friend's contact information, and I will pick her up at the airport."

  Without waiting for Qiao Nian’s answer.

He then said Shiran: "We ask people to come over for help, but we can't let them wait for us. This is not the way of hospitality in country Z. I will go and pick up people first." (End of chapter)

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!