Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:09 PM

Chapter 5335: He Jia is here too

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"Okay." Qiao Nian walked over and gave him Guan Yan's phone number, then sent his phone number to Guan Yan and said, "I'll give it to her."

Bo Jingxing nodded: "Don't worry, I will take good care of your friend."

Qiao Nian wasn’t worried about this. After all, they didn’t know each other, so he just said, “It’s Guan Inkstone.”

Bo Jingxing reacted immediately, his fox eyes were stunned.


“She is not a professional, but no one is more powerful than her in the Starlink satellite field. The air defense system in the illegal zone was developed through the cooperation between her and Tianchen.”

Qiao Nian seemed to know what he was going to ask and stated calmly.

 The Guanyan is inherently excellent, but it is not a flower that grows in the conventional sense. It is a rose or its own pine and cypress.

The shock in Bo Jingxing's eyes gradually turned into calmness, he nodded slightly, politely and respectfully: "It's my narrow-mindedness."

 He knew that there were no ordinary people around Qiao Nian, and Guan Yan was just a little more surprising than extraordinary.

 He solemnly promised: "Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of her."


 Qiao Nian told Ye Maoshan about tomorrow's arrangements. Ye Maoshan could not go to the scene due to physical reasons. After hearing the girl's arrangements, he felt confident.

Talk to her.

 “I’ll say hello to the people staying at the astronomical institution in advance.”


Guan Yan arrived earlier than her and would go to the observatory earlier. Qiao Nian did not refuse to Ye Maoshan, so as not to prevent Bao Jingxing from bringing anyone in.


 Guizhou Observatory.

 Throughout three days, people from the engineering department had not discussed a response plan, leaving others unable to start and had to wait for the engineering department to come up with drawings first.

 Because the repair work has stalled, the weather has also begun to drift into dark clouds from the sunny days after the storm in the past two days, with a faint tendency to rain.

After collecting the meteorological data, the staff of the observatory scratched their hair in great annoyance and told others irritably.

"The weather forecast is that it will rain tonight, and it may be heavy rain again. There will also be Category 2 winds. The academicians of the Engineering Department haven't discussed how to repair the Sky Eye yet?" "Not yet."

"This is too bad. If it rains, it will be even harder to repair."

His colleague patted him on the shoulder and said softly: "The Sky Eye is not that easy to repair. Let's wait for notification."


The man wearing thick spectacles saw that he was still looking sad, and when he thought of something, his eyes lit up and comforted him: "Don't worry too much. The top student from Stanford's aerospace major in He Yuan's family is here, and he will be born soon." plan."

Hearing this, the person with a sad face relaxed his tight eyebrows a little, raised the corners of his lips and showed a smile: "I hope so!"


 In the temporarily selected conference room.

 Everyone from the Sky Eye Engineering Department has expired.

He Yuan, who was taking the lead this time, was accompanied by a young beauty. She was holding a stack of thick folders in her hands and followed her father to look through the data without raising her head.

When other people knew her identity, no one raised any objection and took the initiative to say hello to the visitor.

 “He courtyard.”

 “Heyuan, you are here.”

 “Good evening, He Yuan.”

The man in his early fifties, his temples stained with frost, has a scholarly air, his waist is straight, and he talks to the person who greets him without a smile.

 “Let’s sit down and talk.”


Everyone found their own seats and sat down, and began to prepare for today's party.

He Yuan turned around and looked at the beautiful woman who was still standing looking at the data, and called her: "Jiajia, sit down too." (End of this chapter)

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!