Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:03 PM

Chapter 5339: Bo Jingxing is on her side

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 The sound of their conversation attracted the attention of many people.

Guan Yan ignored other people and only talked to He Jia: "Sister, the knowledge taught to us in books is correct, but in reality, if you want to apply it, you have to observe the surrounding environment. Go to the scene more often, don't It is easy to judge based on the data collected by others. The cost of space exploration will not be too cheap. A small error will cause everything to reset. So the reality is not the computers you see in laboratories and schools. Simulation drill, if you continue to use this formula, the tens of billions of dollars worth of the Sky Eye will be broken. "

"Can you guarantee that it won't happen?" Someone spoke up for He Jia and asked Guan Yan unconvinced.

Guan Yan turned around leisurely, but he was not as gentle and reasonable to him as he was to He Jia. His eyes were cold and provocative, and he answered brightly and brightly: "Even if I can guarantee it, why should I guarantee it to you?"

"You have made no progress here for three days, but you have the energy to target others. Who gave you the confidence? Don't you have a mirror at home?"

His mouth was venomous and sharp, and the person who asked the question made the person who was looking for trouble change his face suddenly. He clenched his fists and trembled all over. He was so angry that he said: "You-"

It's a good thing that he is an academic, otherwise his reaction to breaking the defense would be as simple as trembling and shaking, and he would have shaken his fist long ago.

Guan Yan was so disrespectful to everyone, and it also made the faces of those present look bad, and they even more and more rejected her as an outsider.

He Yuan's face darkened. He didn't seem to be looking at the inkstone. He looked at Bo Jingxing and said with a smile: "Master Bo, what does you found mean?"

“Well, she’s outspoken, so don’t mind, Heyuan.” Bao Jingxing joked, making it clear that he was protecting Guan Yan.

He Yuan's face became even more ugly, and he said coldly: "Before you came, we all had a meeting to discuss it. Jiajia's plan is the most feasible one at present, and I don't think there is any problem."

Guan Yan threw his bag on one of the chairs, sat with his arms crossed to the west, put his hands together on the table, and raised his head unruly. “A storm is coming soon, are you ready?”

He Yuan and others were standing, while she sat down alone. Everyone focused their attention on her again, this time with indignation that could no longer be suppressed.

In terms of seniority, there is no junior person who can sit and listen to what they say. This person has no rules!

Guan Yan raised his eyebrows: "Are you not prepared?"

Someone couldn't help but wanted to argue with her, but the person next to her held her shoulders and shook her head, telling him not to argue at such a critical moment.

He Yuan looked away, looked at Bo Jingxing again, and continued what he had not finished: "Those of us have observed the terrain in the past few days, and no one knows the terrain here better than us."

Guan Yan put his face on one hand and interrupted him: "Do you understand the topography here, and don't you understand the reason why depressions can easily form barrier lakes?"

He Yuan couldn't bear it and said: "We have a circulating drainage system! Even if it rains, it is impossible to form a lake!"

Guan Yan looked at him with deep peach blossom eyes for half a second, then suddenly raised her red lips and smiled. She took the water glass on the table and poured herself a glass of water.

She was holding a water glass in one hand while looking at the middle-aged man with interest and said, "Have you checked your drainage system beforehand? Make sure your drainage system can withstand the same extreme weather as the past few days and will not be damaged for a day." A heavy rain overnight?"

 “What do you mean?” He Yuan looked gravely. (End of chapter)

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