Published at 10th of May 2024 12:44:02 PM

Chapter 5340: It's really starting to rain heavily

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 Chapter 5340 It really started to rain heavily

Someone from the Meteorological Bureau knocked on the door and came in, hurriedly walked up to them and said, "He Yuan, it's not good. The latest climate data we checked indicates that the heavy rain outside will turn into heavy rain, if the clouds are not blown away by the monsoon." , and may turn into extreme thunderstorms.”

"If planes are sent to disperse..." He Yuan immediately said anxiously, stunned.

Before he finished speaking, the person from the Meteorological Bureau shook his head and replied with an embarrassed look on his face: "It's windy outside. There are already a large number of planes delaying flights at the airport. Although the operating planes do not need to carry people, such a strong wind direction It’s impossible to get into the sky. As the wind gets stronger at night, it becomes more difficult for the operating aircraft to get into the sky.”

He Yuan's chest felt like there was a heavy stone that he couldn't move away from. His breath was squeezed down to the thickness of a gossamer and he swallowed with difficulty.

The Sky Eye is the result of the hard work of all of them and the investment of a large amount of scientific research funds.

 He cannot allow anything to happen.

As soon as the person from the Meteorological Bureau finished speaking, he put aside his prejudices and turned to look at the disheveled woman sitting there.

Changing from his previous tit-for-tat, he said sincerely: "Since you brought it up, there must be a solution."

Guan Yan took a sip of water and said, "Yes."

 Everyone is looking at her.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, put down the water glass, and said calmly: "It's a simple way. Who and I will go to check the drainage system in a thunderstorm, and make repairs and repairs along the way. Get rid of the bug before the heavy rain comes, and you don't have to worry about rain. Damage to the system."

 Everyone was speechless.

Staying with a pile of electrically charged metal materials during a thunderstorm is just asking for death.

Guan Yan ignored them, stood up and said, "I promised my boss to help, so I will definitely go. As for volunteer."

Bao Jingxing took off his suit jacket and put it on his strong forearms, stood up and said, "I'm going too." Guan Yan glanced back at him, thinking that a young man like you should not join in the fun. If I am beaten to death, my family is not allowed to pursue me for eight thousand miles and seek compensation from me.

 But when she saw the man’s foxy eyes behind his thin lenses, she thought it would be better to shut up.

She has often come into contact with calm and steady men like Bo Jingxing before. Unlike Qin Si, few people can shake them once they decide something.

 Guan Yan was afraid of trouble, so he gave up the idea of ​​speaking. She just wanted to fix the drainage system as soon as possible and then help repair the broken information board later, so she returned successfully.


At three-thirty in the morning, it was completely dark outside, and the sky seemed to have opened a hole and rain began to pour down.

The rainwater pattered on the umbrella surface like a pour.

Guan Yan didn't care much and said to the man behind him: "You don't need to hold an umbrella for me. Anyway, my clothes will be wet later, so it's useless to hold it up."

"Tsk." Bo Jingxing chuckled, his breath brushing her ears: "At least not now."

Guan Yan was stunned for a moment: "..." What, at least not now?

 She quickly understood what the other party meant. Did he mean that even if she would get wet later, at least he wouldn't let her get wet now?

Guan Yan has always been flirting with others, and he rarely gets flirted with. He doesn’t even know how to answer a conversation at the moment.

At this time, Bao Jingxing tilted the umbrella towards her a little, and Feng Danyunqing broke the deadlock: "Let's go, I'll go with you."

Guan Yan was not someone who would be at a loss because of a man's words. He quickly put the ambiguous atmosphere behind him, turned around and strode into the rain.

 (End of this chapter)

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