Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:59 PM

Chapter 5341: everyone is here

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 Chapter 5341 Everyone is here

The lightning in the sky shuttles through the clouds like a giant dragon that is ready to crash down at any time.

Guan Yan was racing against time to check the drainage system of the site. Although she had received some information from Bo Jingxing on the plane and had a rough understanding of the structure, she was not one of the engineers involved in the construction after all, so it was inevitable that she would have to spend more money. Spend more time exploring.

 The rain from the sky is getting heavier and heavier.

Just as she said, within ten minutes of them walking in, their clothes were already soaked by the rain, and there was no need for an umbrella at all.

Bo Jingxing decisively threw away his black umbrella and followed her into the rain: "Miss Guanyan, tell me what I need to do, and I'll help."

“Go over there and see if the drainage channels inside are blocked by sediment and fallen leaves. If so, clean them out.”

Guan Yan began to give instructions without feeling coy.

 She herself was cleaning up the blockage she found. Her hands and face were covered with mud that had been accidentally stuck on, and it was washed away by the rain. She looked absolutely miserable.

 But she seemed not to care about the dirt on her hands, and her demeanor was natural and non-squeamish, just like a rose blooming in the wilderness.

  She never needs others to appreciate her goodness, she only blooms for herself.

Lightning fell from above his head, emitting silvery white light.

Bo Jingxing stood under the bright light and saw the people in the heavy rain. He could not describe the trembling from his soul at this moment.

He quickly remembered the relationship between Guan Yan and Qin Si, and put his thoughts into the depths of his mind. Without saying a single unnecessary word or doing an unnecessary thing, he silently followed Guan Yan's instructions, rolled up his shirt sleeves, squatted down, and began to clean up the mud. …

The gray mud spots stained his neat shirt. Bo Jingxing seemed not to have seen them, and asked Guan Yan to go to the easier place to clean up, leaving the lower areas to himself.

The entire sinkhole is huge, and the efficiency of two people is still too low.

Just as the rainwater fell from Guan Yan’s chin into the puddle, someone came out and joined them.     “I’m coming too.”

“Please tell me which areas you have checked and which ones I need to check.”

 Guan Yan struggled to open his eyes in the wash of the rain and looked at the other person's gaze. He saw He Jia's little face that was as pampered as the bright moon but not arrogant.

"Is that you?" She was in a good mood and pointed in the direction before she and Bao Jingxing had time to check: "Over there."

He Jia looked in the direction of her finger. Without saying much, he walked in that direction and immediately joined them in working hard.

 With the arrival of He Jia.

 A lot of people came later.

Even He Jia’s father, an old and scholarly engineer, joined them.

It rained heavily in the sky and strong winds blew. The howling wind sounded like a long-sleeping beast hidden deep in the throat of heaven and earth, suddenly waking up at that moment.

The voice was low and powerful, like rumbling thunder coming from deep underground, shaking the surrounding air.

Each word sound seems to carry a huge force, pressing heavily on the listener's heart, making people feel palpitations involuntarily.

Everyone is working in full swing, and no one cares about the danger hanging above their heads.

Before dawn, they finally cleared all the drainage channels to ensure that the rain all day long would not cause rainwater to accumulate into pools.

 Guan Yan took the lead to walk out of the sinkhole with his waist supported. He waved his feeble arms and said, "Let's go, let's discuss how to solve the satellite blockade together."

 (End of this chapter)

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