Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:56 PM

Chapter 5343: What does your girlfriend compare herself to?

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Chapter 5343: What does your girlfriend compare to her?

Qin Si put down the toast in his hand expressionlessly, then pulled out the stool and said, "I'm full."

Mrs. Qin’s face turned gloomy and she shouted: “Sit down!”

 Qin Si stood stiff for a moment. Seeing her constantly beating her heart, she pursed her lips and slowly sat back down.

Seeing him sitting down again, Mrs. Qin slapped the table and said angrily: "I know you don't like He Jia, you don't have to be with He Jia. Who do you like? Tell me, your father and I will help you match him. "

 She hasn't finished speaking yet.

Qin Si looked at her with scarlet eyes: "Don't you know who I like?"

Mrs. Qin was in a stalemate with him for a moment, looked away, and said with no room for mediation: "No! I don't agree."

 Qin Si curled up his fists.

Mrs. Qin looked at him again: "Son, she is not a good match for you! Do you think she will be willing to stay in the capital for you, be your good wife, and give up her career to be with you?"

"I knew from the first moment I saw her that she would not give up her career for a man. She likes you, and that's just a liking."

"If she is willing to give up her career and marry you, I am not a bad person who beats mandarin ducks. I am willing to make it happen. What about you? Are you confident in persuading her?"

Qin Si was confused and looked at her well: "Why does she have to give up her career when she wants to be with me? Why can't she do her thing and I do mine. Does marriage have to have one person sacrifice?"

Mrs. Qin said rationally: "You need a wife who can accompany you to social occasions and handle interpersonal relationships well."

Qin Lang echoed from the side: "He Jia is a good girl."

Mrs. Qin responded: "She graduated from the prestigious Stanford University, is about the same age as you, and comes from a well-educated family, so she is the right match for you."

“The key is that she went to your province this time to help repair the Sky Eye. Once the Sky Eye is repaired, she will be the most watched reserve radio astronomy scientist among the younger generation.”

 Mrs. Qin chose to be a bad person for the sake of her son's future. “And your girlfriend, Guan Yan, can she do it?”

Qin Si remembered that Bo Jingxing had said that Guan Yan also went to Guizhou. He suddenly raised his head and said to his mother: "She can, she is also in Guizhou!"

"Scoff." Mrs. Qin looked at her son with undisguised contempt: "He Jia's father is one of the pioneers in the field of radio astronomy in China, and her teacher is also known as the father of radio astronomy... She comes from a famous family and is a famous teacher. Teaching. What does your girlfriend compare to her?"

"Qin Si, your liking for her cannot hide the fact that she is not worthy of our family!" Mrs. Qin said harshly.

Qin Si couldn't listen anymore. He opened the chair with both hands and said to the two people at the dining table: "You guys eat slowly, I'm going to the company."

Mrs. Qin wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Qin Lang covering the back of her hand: "Let's eat."

"...Hmm." She had no choice but to give up, but she did not change her mind. She still did not approve of Guan Yan entering their home.

 It is true that Guan Yan has money, and the Qin family is not short of money either.

 The daughter-in-law their family wants must be of the same family. Guan Yan does not meet her standards anyway, and she will not agree to the two of them getting together.


the other side.

 As he was about to go out, his cell phone buzzed and vibrated.

 Guan Yan put on the pullover sweater and wide-leg pants prepared by Bao Jingxing, stepped on the soft canvas shoes and just walked out of the room, picking them up smoothly.

  “Hello, sun.”

Qiao Nian from Beijing City looked out the window and said to her: "It's raining heavily in your province and all planes are grounded. I'm afraid I'll have to go there later."

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