Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:54 PM

Chapter 5344: It seems like it’s not just once or twice.

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 Chapter 5344 It seems that it’s not just once or twice

"It's okay, I've already told Bo Jingxing." Guan Yan hooked one foot into the room and saw a man also wearing casual clothes walking out of the opposite door.

Bo Jingxing had probably just finished taking a shower. His hair hung loosely on his forehead. He straightened his nose and had thin lenses on it to cover his fox eyes.

 At first glance, he looks like a pure male, which is eye-catching.

She raised her eyebrows, quickly looked away from the beauty, and told the **** the other end of the phone: "We have predicted extreme weather in your province, and we guessed that you might not be able to come."

“Don’t worry, we’ve already taken care of what needs to be done. As long as I’m here, you can date Young Master Ye with peace of mind.”

  Qiao Nian is used to her speaking in a toneless tone: "We'll arrive in the afternoon."

Guan Yan walked to the elevator door and stopped: "The plane is not grounded?"

The girl's calm answer came from the other end of the phone: "It will take us about ten hours to drive here, and we are already on the way."

"You..." Guan Yan was dumbfounded. She originally wanted to say that there was no need to work so hard, but then she remembered that the scientific researchers in the engineering department had spent the whole night digging out the scale with her last night, and silently swallowed the topic back in her throat: "Please be safe on the road. , drive slower."

“Okay. I just called you to tell you to hang up.”


Hang up the phone on the other end.

Guan Yan put down his phone and started playing with it.

Bo Jingxing heard the "ding" sound of the elevator arriving and reminded her: "Miss Guan Yan, the elevator is here."

Guan Yan put away his phone and walked inside.

 He is a step behind the gentleman.

The two of them entered the elevator. Bo Jingxing pressed the -1 floor button with his slender fingers, tilted his head, and spoke to her.

“…He Yuan just called and said that they have arrived. We will drive there for about ten minutes now.”

 He hasn't finished speaking yet.

 I saw Guan Yan’s cell phone ringing again.

Bo Jingxing shut up like a gentleman and motioned for her to answer the phone first.

 Guan Yan was not sure who was calling, so he took out his phone again and glanced at the caller ID. The relief in the corners of his eyes and brows instantly turned into irritation. She hung up in front of Bo Jingxing.

However, the other party seemed to insist on getting through her phone before hanging up and ringing again.

Guan Yan straightened the corners of his mouth and hung up again with an expressionless expression.

 This was repeated three times.

 The other party has given up.

But just then, her phone dinged as a WeChat message reminder.

Guan Yan's whole body was enveloped by an icy cold air that was not easy to mess with. He lowered his eyes and clicked on the WeChat voice message.

 She did not set the handset mode.

Mrs. Qin's voice spread in the small car.

“Guan Yan, aunt heard that you are also in your province. Have you met Jiajia? If it is convenient, can you help me take care of her?”

Bo Jingxing is a little embarrassed...

We are all smart people and it is impossible not to hear the other meaning in Mrs. Qin's words. Asking Guan Yan to take care of He Jia is equivalent to telling Guan Yan that He Jia is her favorite candidate.

 As a common acquaintance, it is not convenient for him to hear such private words.

 He looked over.

Guan Yan cocked his head and fiddled with his cell phone. He did not reply to Mrs. Qin, nor did he blackmail her. But his frown could give a glimpse of her irritated mood.

At this moment, light came from the door.

Bo Jingxing broke the deadlock and said, "Miss Guan Yan, we are on the first floor below."

"Yeah." Guan Yan didn't mention the voice message that was accidentally released to the public. He put the phone back and walked out first: "Let's go."

Bo Jingxing looked at her straight back, and then thought about Mrs. Qin's persistent behavior of making phone calls and sending voice messages. It seemed that it was not just once or twice.

 He followed behind.

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