Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:53 PM

Chapter 5345: Sister Nian and Master Wan are on their way there

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Chapter 5345 Sister Nian and Master Wan are on their way there

Also arriving overnight were Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan.

Gu San has other things to do this time.

 Ye Wangchuan personally drove to Guizhou.

He set off from Beijing to your province after receiving the news that flights were canceled due to storms in your province at four o'clock in the evening.

At the time Qiao Nian called Guan Yan, he had been driving for 6 hours and had already arrived in S Province, which is adjacent to your province.

Ye Wangchuan drove the car into the rest area to refuel, and went to the supermarket to buy breakfast and drinks for the girl, and brought them to the parking area.

The two of them are really good-looking, and the effect of standing together is that every car entering the rest area will slow down around them.

Ye Wangchuan handed the pineapple bun to the girl, and then opened the water for her. After staying up late, his voice was low and charming: "Eat something to fill your stomach first."

Qiao Nian took it and asked him, "Aren't you going to eat it?"

"You eat." Ye Wangchuan waited quietly to hand her the water. He was tall and his legs were slender, like a pine tree in the sun. He was tall and powerful, bathed in the golden sunshine, with a resolute face and deep eyes. It shows a kind of calmness and stability.

Qiao Nian took two bites of the pineapple bun, took the water from him, drank a few more mouthfuls, and then returned the water to him.

“Let’s go through the roundabout and get off the expressway to find a restaurant to eat. I’ll drive later and you can take a rest.”

Ye Wangchuan's eyes were filled with sunshine, and he raised his hand to tidy up her broken hair: "Why do you have to go to Zhoucheng to eat?"

Qiao Nian glanced at him and said, "You are a picky eater."

"I can eat anything, but you are not that kind of person. Could it be that I want you to starve to your province? I am not that cruel."

"Have you noticed?" Ye Wangchuan has always been a calm and self-possessed person. His eyes are always deep and calm, as if he can see everything in the world.

However, at that moment, there was a turmoil in his heart, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and an unprecedented feeling came to his heart. Qiao Nian looked over blankly: "Isn't this obvious?"

“At least so far, you are the first one to discover it.” Ye Wangchuan took a deep breath, trying to calm down the excitement in his heart.

 Qiao Nian held up the half-bitten pineapple bun, looked at the man who drove all night into the supermarket without buying breakfast for himself, and raised his eyes.

 “Oh, I thought it was obvious.”

Ye Wangchuan couldn't help but curl his fingers and flick her smooth forehead, his eyes full of love: "Everything Qiao Shen said is right."

 Qiao Nian: "..." Why is he wandering around so early in the morning?

Qiao Nian lowered his head and took another bite of the pineapple bun, chewed and swallowed, silently filling his stomach. She is not a picky eater, at least when she needs to, she is never picky about food.

 She finished the bread that Ye Wangchuan bought from the supermarket in a few mouthfuls, drank some water, regained her energy a little, and reached out to him.

 “Give me the car keys.”

Ye Wangchuan hooked her shoulders and pushed her into the passenger seat. He bent over and fastened her seat belt: "I'll drive. Have a good rest."


Before Qiao Nian responded, he closed the car door, walked to the other side, got in the car, fastened his seat belt, and adjusted the air conditioning temperature in the car.

  Just turn your head.

 “You’ll be there in just one more sleep.”

  Qiao Nian couldn't overtake him, so she had no choice but to let him continue driving to your province.

She received a text message from Qin Lang on the way, which probably meant that he wanted to apologize to her on behalf of his wife for the unpleasantness at the dinner table that day.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!