Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:52 PM

Chapter 5346: That was not what I meant

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 Chapter 5346 I don’t mean that

For Qin Si's sake, Qiao Nian didn't refuse to reply to him, but she had nothing to say to him. She only replied with a few simple sentences out of politeness to her elders.

  [QN: First, Guan Yan is my friend, she doesn’t need to compare with anyone. Second, Uncle Qin doesn’t need to apologize to me. I am not the person involved and cannot forgive anyone for her. ]

 Qin Lang didn’t look for her again after that.

 Qiao Nian pretended that Qin Lang had never found her, and threw the phone aside, not wanting to dwell on this issue anymore.

 After all, as she said in the text message she sent back to Qin Lang, this matter is Guan Yan's private matter.

No matter how good her relationship with Guan Yan is, it doesn't mean she wants to interfere in Guan Yan's love life.

It’s just that what the Qin family did this time really chilled her.

If Qin Si can't make peace with his family, he's not worthy of being with Guan Yan.

Ye Wangchuan caught a glimpse of her frown, and even though he didn't see who she had replied to, he said warmly: "Don't think about it. Have a good sleep."

 Qiao Nian moved the chair back, leaned back on the back of the chair, lowered his peaked cap to cover his eyes, and began to close his eyes and fall asleep.


 It’s near noon.

Everyone at the observatory seemed to have regarded Guan Yan as the core figure of this restoration operation. Even He Yuan and others were surrounding her.

He Jia followed closely every step of the way, wanting to accompany Guan Yan to the toilet, racing against time to learn more practical knowledge from Guan Yan.

Bo Jingxing knocked on the door and entered the command room from the outside. He brought two large bags of takeaways and placed them on a simple table to greet the busy people to eat.

“I asked the restaurant to cook a few dishes, so everyone should stop what they are doing and come over to eat first.”

Guan Yan was the first to stretch his legs and pry open the swivel chair, stretch his waist, stand up and walk towards the table.

 Similar asked the man: "What dishes do you want?"

Bo Jingxing handed over one of the lunch boxes: "The others are having lunch, so I've prepared steak + Waldorf salad for you."

Guan Yan took his lunch from him and raised his eyebrows, his peach blossom eyes a little surprised: "How do you know I like salty and sweet food." The Waldorf Astoria Salad originated from the Astoria Hotel, and its main ingredients are Including lettuce, celery, apples, walnuts and mayonnaise, it has a salty and sweet taste and is a classic American salad.

 She is different from sun.

She is used to the taste of the illegal area, which mainly offers French and Western food. She doesn’t like stir-fried vegetables.

Bo Jingxing replied calmly and calmly while distributing lunch to others: "I called Miss Qiao when I was ordering to ask about your preferences and what you don't eat."

“Wow.” Guan Yan found a seat and sat down. While opening the lunch box, he raised the corners of his lips as if he was about to tease him a few words.

 Her mobile phone on the table lit up again.

 Guan Yan caught a glimpse of the incoming call from the corner of his eye, and his good mood disappeared. He picked up the phone and stood up and walked aside: "I'm going to answer the phone."

Bo Jingxing could not recognize Qin Si's phone number. He made a "please" gesture very gentlemanly and stepped out of the way without saying any unnecessary questions.



 Look at the inkstone and pick it up.


 “Are you in the country?” Qin Si said in an impatient tone.

Guan Yan frowned: "Is something wrong?"

Qin Si felt some inexplicable grief and called her name: "Guan Yan... I hope that at least you can stand by my side at this time."

She said in a cold tone: "So you are dissatisfied with my attitude and think that I didn't go with you to please your parents, that is, I didn't stand on your side and think about you?"

Qin Si said hurriedly: "That's not what I meant."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!