Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:46 PM

Chapter 5351: Data docking failed

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 Chapter 5351 Data docking failed

 As if she didn't notice it, she walked over and looked for someone.

“Where is your computer host? Please take me there.”

 She was looking for exactly He Jia.

He Jia was stunned for a moment, then looked to his father for advice.

The middle-aged man frowned and looked at Bo Jingxing hesitantly, then at Ye Wangchuan: "Young Master Ye, this..."

This is the mainframe of Guan Tianyan system, which contains a lot of confidential data. He dare not easily let people use the computer he brought to connect the data.

 Ye Wangchuan nodded at him: "I will vouch for her."

He Yuan was shocked. He looked at the girl with a more probing look. Without any further hesitation, he told He Jia: "Take her with you."

He Jia received his father's approval and immediately said to Qiao Nian: "Please come with me."

 She took Qiao Nian to the computer room.

There were supercomputers for storing data. He Jia couldn't help but be curious when she saw Qiao Nian's notebook tucked under her arm.


 After shouting, she felt a little embarrassed and touched her face.

  Qiao Nian saw it and took the initiative: "Just call me by my name. Qiao Nian."

"Ah, okay. My name is He Jia. Just call me by my name." Logically speaking, she is a few years older than the girl in front of her, so she can let the other party call her sister, but He Jia doesn't know why she doesn't dare to say that. I feel that the girl in front of me has a strong aura.

 “What did you just want to say?” Qiao Nian asked with raised eyebrows.

He Jia suddenly came back to her senses, stared curiously at the laptop she brought, and pointed to other computers in the computer room.

“The supercomputers used here are all supercomputers. If you want to connect it to a mainframe for computing, your computer’s configuration will be too low and it will easily freeze.”

She asked kindly: "Do you need me to change a computer for you?" The girl had already gone to the place to take out the data cable and connected it. Then she came back and connected her laptop. She thanked her quietly: "No, I can use my own."

Although He Jia was worried, her good upbringing drove her not to say much.

  She watched the girl turn on the computer and start to connect data. The old-looking computer did not lag as she expected, and instead performed calculations faster than the computer she brought.

He Jia's jaw almost dropped to the ground. He saw the girl's fingers flying on the keyboard, typing codes, and couldn't help but talk: "Your computer..."

Qiao Nian entered the code and replied to her: "If you like, I will give you one another day."

"Ah." He Jia was a little happy, but also realized that she was disturbing others' work. Minmin pursed her lips and whispered from the side: "Thank you."

"hold head high."

Qiao Nian responded casually and reinvested in the data.

 She rarely gets distracted when working, and she concentrates on her work, her fingers typing on the keyboard non-stop.

Qiao Nian had no idea when Lian Hejia went out or when Ye Wangchuan, Bao Jingxing and his party came behind her again.

 After she finished typing the last code and pressed the Enter key, the previously disconnected satellite signal began to retry to connect.

 Everyone stared at the blurry and spinning circles on the screen, nervously waiting for the results.

 About ten minutes passed.

 A red exclamation mark pops up on the computer screen.

  【Data docking failed! 】

Qiao Nian narrowed his eyes slightly, with an expression not too surprised. He turned around and said to the people behind him: "The situation is more complicated than I thought. The loss of our satellite signal does not look like an accident, but more like it was cut off artificially." "

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