Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:46 PM

Chapter 5352: Sister Nian: I have to see her tomorrow

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Chapter 5352 Sister Nian: I have to see her tomorrow

 “Wow.” Guan Yan clicked his tongue, his peach-blossom eyes gleaming: “Who did it?”

Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan both had a candidate in mind, but they didn't say it out in front of everyone. He just said: "It's too late today. When the materials arrive tomorrow and all the signal boards are repaired, I will try again..."

When Bo Jingxing saw the eyes of the two people meet, he suddenly understood and said to the others: "Uncle, everyone, we didn't rest last night, and it's so late today. Why don't we go back early today, and we will discuss the solution when the materials arrive tomorrow. "

"Well, what you said makes sense." He Yuan couldn't suppress the redness in his eyes, but he didn't insist on solving it tonight. He turned around and clapped his hands to let others gather.

 “Go back and rest tonight, tomorrow…”

 He turned to ask Ye Wangchuan.

“Master Ye, what time can we get the raw materials tomorrow?”

The proud and noble man lowered his eyes slightly and counted the time: "Eight o'clock."

He Yuan turned around and said to the others: "Gather on time at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Is it okay?"

 Others answered one after another.

 “No problem, Heyuan.”

 “No problem, academician.”

He Jia raised her hand: "I'll come over at eight o'clock to collect the materials."

He Yuan nodded: "I'll go with you."

“Okay, let’s call it a day. Let’s go back and get some rest early. There’s still a tough battle to be fought tomorrow!” He shouted at everyone to leave.

Everyone stayed up all day and night and most of the night to clear the drainage ditch in the heavy rain. They were already exhausted physically and mentally. After hearing the order, they dispersed and returned to their residences.

 The middle-aged man voluntarily walked to the back, waiting for others to leave.

He walked up to the girl again and said in deep thought: "Can we find a way to unlock the star chain tomorrow?" Shock and surprise flashed across Qiao Nian's face, as if he didn't expect that he, a highly respected academician, would walk up to him and ask calmly. own problem.

He Yuan saw her surprise, smiled and said: "Did it scare you? Sorry, I didn't mean anything else. I'm just worried about whether the system we developed can be repaired."

"I didn't trust you very much at first because I was too paranoid and thought that you were not from a professional background. But after contacting Ms. Guan Yan in the past two days, I can feel her strength in this area. I respect people with strength. , thank you even more for coming to help.”

 He spoke sincerely and very seriously.

  While talking, Guan Yan, who was carefree on the side, unconsciously put away his frivolity and felt a little embarrassed.

 Qiao Nian noticed Guan Yan's change, looked back at him seriously and said: "I don't know much about the field of radio astronomy, I can only serve as a network assistant. I will have to see her tomorrow."

 She looked directly at Guan Yan.

He Yuan followed her gaze, his eyes were calm and there was no surprise, and he nodded slightly to Guan Yan: "Okay, thank you, Ms. Guan Yan."

 “Ahem.” Guan Yan coughed dryly, put away his irregular posture, and said respectfully, “I’ll try my best.”


He Yuan took He Jia and left first.

 He Jia asked for Guan Yan’s contact information before leaving.

 In the past, Guan Yan would definitely not have given her phone number to others, but He Jia had a decent attitude and was very polite. His interest in radio astronomy was genuine. Guan Yan gave her her phone number after only a short consideration.

Bo Jingxing sent everyone away, came back and said to the two of them, "Okay, everyone is gone. Where will you stay tonight?"

 “What about you?” Ye Wangchuan asked.

Bo Jingxing picked up the car keys and replied naturally: "A nearby hotel, 20 minutes' drive from here."

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