Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:45 PM

Chapter 5353: Mr. Bo only booked one room for them

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Chapter 5353 Mr. Bo only booked a room for them

Ye Wangchuan put away the laptop for the girl, zipped up the bag and carried it in his hand, his long legs proud: "Let's live there too."

Bo Jingxing was not surprised: "Okay, I'll find someone to make arrangements."

While leading the way outside, he called his assistant to arrange a room. After hanging up the phone, he casually shared the location of the hotel with the man.

 “See you at the hotel later.”

Ye Wangchuan's cell phone vibrated next to him. He guessed it was the location sent by Bo Jingxing. He hummed, "See you at the hotel."

Guan Yan also wanted to sit in a car with Qiao Nian, but Bao Jingxing drove the car next to them and lowered the window, half joking and half serious.

“Miss Guanyan, I have been your driver for two days. In this case, you don’t want to leave me alone and go back, right?”


 Guan Yan can only tell girls.

 “sun, let’s meet at the hotel.”

“Well, okay.” The girl raised her hand and pulled down her peaked cap. She watched with dark eyes as she opened the passenger door and got into the car. Bao Jingxing greeted her.

 “Let’s go first.”

 Qiao Nian watched as the car rolled over the water and drove out of the observatory ahead of schedule.

 After a while.

 Ye Wangchuan also drove over.

 He ​​reached through the center console and opened the passenger door for her. He looked at the girl looking sideways and said softly: "Nian Nian, get in the car."

Qiao Nian averted her eyes and got into the car. While fastening her seat belt, she asked abruptly: "What kind of person does Bo Jingxing like?"

"Huh?" The man paused and saw that she didn't seem to be interested in Bao Jingxing. He just mentioned it casually and handed her the water again: "Him? I haven't heard him talk about it." Bo Jingxing's hands were as slippery as a loach. , rarely shows preferences outside, but Ye Wangchuan can understand him. He holds nine important positions and must not let the outside world easily spy on his preferences, so as not to get into unnecessary trouble.

However, as a friend for many years, Ye Wangchuan knew something about Bo Jingxing.

“He doesn’t have a particular preference, he pays more attention to feelings. Personally, I think he prefers people who can resonate and communicate with his soul. Rather than just being beautiful, just having a good family background or a good personality.”

When Ye Wangchuan said this, he stared at her with his dark eyes for a long time: "You won't ask about him for no reason. What's the reason? Guan Yan."

 Qiao Nian straightened her long legs and sat stretched out in the passenger seat. She neither admitted nor denied it. She looked forward and said, "I always feel that the aura between the two of them is not quite right."

Ye Wangchuan didn't pay attention: "Bo Jingxing has a sense of proportion."

 Qiao Nian thought about the mess between Guan Yan and Qin Si, and felt a dull pain in her temples. She raised her hand to press the center of her eyebrows to avoid getting into trouble.

 “Go back first and talk about it later.”


Ye Wangchuan adjusted the air conditioner temperature, stepped on the accelerator and drove to the hotel.


When they checked in at the hotel, they realized that Bo Jingxing had only booked one room for them. Although it was a suite, it was indeed in the same room.

Ye Wangchuan frowned slightly and was about to change, but Qiao Nian stopped him and said nonchalantly: "Just stay here. It's only for one night anyway, and isn't there a living room? You sleep in the master bedroom and I sleep on the sofa outside." "

The front desk also apologized: "Guest, I'm really sorry. There have been heavy rains in your province. The hotel rooms are full these days, and we can only squeeze in one room."

Ye Wangchuan stood there gracefully and elegantly, his brows furrowed as if he was thinking.

Given his status, it is not difficult to find a place to live. All he needs to do is make a phone call to the local area and all the problems will be solved. They can even stay in another hotel, there is no need to stay in this hotel.

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