Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:42 PM

Chapter 5356: What if I'm in a bad mood?

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 Chapter 5356 What if I’m in a bad mood?

 “Tsk~” He couldn’t help but smile: “What is this, a combination of Chinese and Western styles?”

Qiao Nian handed him a tissue to wipe his hands and added playfully: "A perfect match?"

Ye Wangchuan was stunned for a moment, then realized that she was playing Solitaire with him, and clicked his tongue: "Is Qiao Shen in a good mood?"

 “You are wrong, what if I am in a bad mood?”

Qiao Nian put her elbows on the table, stuck a small tomato with a knife and fork, fed it into her mouth and took a bite, which made her chew it even more viciously.

She raised her eyes and saw that he was looking at her without eating. She immediately twitched the corners of her lips and smiled at him ruthlessly: "Radio astronomy is so difficult, it gives me a headache."

 Radio astronomy is an extremely complex subject, involving not only advanced mathematical physics, but also geography and astronomy.

Qiao Nian is not afraid of other things, but he is most afraid of geography and astronomy.

 She looked at the complex meteorite trend calculations, solar storms and spherical gravity, one head was bigger than the other, and she had a headache.

 “No, there is still Guan Inkstone.”

Ye Wangchuan cut a piece of steak for her and pushed the plate in front of her. His movements were elegant and calm. The light shone on his superior shoulders and neck, giving people a hazy and noble feeling.

 “Eat something first.”

Qiao Nian looked at the steak that was cut in front of her, and then looked at him: "I ordered it for you..."

Ye Wangchuan filled another bowl of porridge: "Well, eat some with me."

Qiao Nian didn't know what was going on. He just said it casually, and her impetuous mind calmed down. She picked up the knife and fork and started eating dinner with him.

 After dinner, they didn’t clean up the mess on the table, leaving it to wait for someone from the hotel to come and clean it up the next day.

 Qiao Nian glanced at the time on the wall.

 At half past eleven in the evening. She thought about Ye Wangchuan's drive all day, so she got up and went back to the living room: "Go to bed first, I'll call you tomorrow morning."

Ye Wangchuan held her shoulders at this time and pushed her to the master bed: "Go inside and sleep."

"Uh, what do you mean?" Qiao Nian refused to go in and looked at the sofa in the living room: "We agreed that you would sleep on the bed and I would sleep on the sofa."

The sofa in the living room is not too small, and it is certainly not big for a man who is about 1.8 meters tall. Qiao Nian reasonably doubts that he will be unable to straighten his long legs.

She held the door frame with her hands and refused to go in. She said, "You can't sleep on the sofa. I'm just asleep. You go in and sleep on your bed."

Ye Wangchuan pushed her inside, went back and took Qiao Nian's laptop, returned and put the computer into her hand.

 “Go in and sleep.”

 Qiao Nian could smell the scent of shower gel on his body. It was very fresh and pleasant, but she frowned and raised her black eyes: "Ye Wangchuan..."

"Yeah." Ye Wangchuan blocked her at the door. His eyes were deep and focused, as if they were the only two people left in the world.

He raised his hand and gently ran his fingertips across Qiao Nian's cheek. The touch was as delicate as silk, with an indescribable tenderness.

 Qiao Nian could feel the warmth from his fingertips, which was a reassuring warmth.

"You..." Qiao Nian's heartbeat accelerated, and she felt her cheeks were getting hot. The touch made her a little distracted, as if she was in a dream.

"Nian Nian, be obedient and go to sleep?" Ye Wangchuan's eyes became darker and darker, and his breathing gradually became rapid, as if foreshadowing the next action.

 He lowered his head slightly, slowly brought his lips closer to Qiao Nian's cheek, and then pressed it lightly.

At that moment, time seemed to freeze and the whole world became quiet.

 Qiao Nian could feel the softness and warmth of Ye Wangchuan's lips. The touch made her involuntarily close her eyes and let herself be immersed in it.

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