Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:41 PM

Chapter 5358: Mother Qin will come too

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Chapter 5358 Mother Qin will also come

Ye Maoshan has been strict with him since he was a child, which does not mean that he has lost money in material things. Ye Wangchuan slept on the sofa for the first time. The sofa in the suite was not small and was too cramped for his height. He could only curl up a large The legs are long, and the other leg simply steps on the ground, barely able to accommodate the body.

 He finished handling his work matters first, then returned to WeChat, opened the WeChat page, and saw a series of red dots on it.

 At the top is Bo Jingxing’s news.

 From an hour ago.

                   farewell, thank you, we are brothers in our hearts. ]

"Ha!" Mo Yan, a man who was forced to spend the whole night on the sofa, scanned the news with his deep eyes and let out a short sneer on his thin lips.

He looked at the time and saw that it was already past midnight, so he didn't go back to Bao Jingxing, lest he could not say anything good and be too lazy to bother.

He continued to scroll down and found the message Qin Si sent a few hours ago.

  [Qin Si: Master Wan, have you and Sister Qiao arrived? ]

  [Qin Si: Have you seen Guanyan? She doesn't answer my call. If you see the message, you can ask Sister Qiao to help me intercede with Guan Yan and ask her to answer my call. ]

  [Qin Si: You didn’t look at your phone? ]

 The news stops here.

Ye Wangchuan tapped his fingertips on the screen, and a faint thin light shone on his face, making his expression calm. He pursed his thin lips and turned back.

  [y: Handle your own affairs. If she doesn't answer your call, send her a message. If she wants to answer, she will definitely answer. Qiao Nian is not suitable to get involved. They are friends, and she treats you as a friend too. Don't embarrass her! ]

 Chin Si did not look back.

Ye Wangchuan was not sure whether he fell asleep or didn't see it.

 After replying to this message, he scrolled down and saw an avatar with a red dot that would not send him a message.

 Ye Wangchuan clicked on it.

[Uncle Qin: Qin Si and my wife seem to have gone to your province. If they have a conflict, Mr. Ye, please help to persuade them. ]

Ye Wangchuan sat up from the sofa. The veins on the back of his neck stretched to the back of his head. The back of his head felt cold and painful. His frown could tell how unhappy he was.

 Has Qin Si come to your province?

 Mrs. Qin is here too?

He thought that Guan Yan and the He family were there, so he pressed his hands on his forehead and got up to make a call to Qin Lang. When he came back, his brows furrowed even more.

After all, he was not from the Qin family, so it was inconvenient to speak too directly, so he only implicitly asked Qin Lang what he thought of Guan Inkstone.

 Qin Lang is a mature and decisive person, and his implicit answer to this question also made his position clear.

 He first praised Guan Inkstone.

 At this point, Ye Wangchuan had already guessed his attitude.

 Sure enough.

After Qin Lang praised Guan Yan for his excellence, he turned around and belittled Qin Si, saying that Qin Si was immature and playful, and was not a person worth trusting.

Ye Wangchuan understood what he meant and didn't mention how good Guan Yan was. He changed the topic and chatted for a few words before hanging up the phone.

 He thought for a while.

I sat back on the sofa, holding my mobile phone in both hands to edit the message, and sent a message to the girl pinned to the top of WeChat to let me know.

  [y: Qin Si may come tomorrow. ]

  [y: His mother will come too. ]

 It was quiet inside.

There was no reply on the phone either.

Ye Wangchuan estimated that she was either still busy or hadn't read the news. He stood up without insisting and went to the cabinet to find a thin blanket, put it on his body and closed his eyes.


 The next day.

 The sky is bright.

He was awakened by the morning light shining outside the living room. He lifted the quilt and got up. He called the room service and asked them to prepare breakfast and bring it in.

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