Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:40 PM

Chapter 5359: Have they forgotten who rescued people?

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Chapter 5359: Did they forget who saved them?

 Seven fifty-four.

The sound of walking came from the master bedroom, and then the master bedroom door opened, and a girl walked out with messy hair.


 “Come over for breakfast.”

Ye Wangchuan pulled out a chair for her and went to sit across from her.

 Qiao Nian's eyes were filled with the manic depression that had not yet woken up. He walked over, opened the chair with his feet and sat down. He picked up a piece of toast and held it in his mouth, eating absentmindedly.

Ye Wangchuan knew that this was a sign that she was not awake, so he quietly had breakfast with her for a while, and saw that her anger had dissipated.

Then he opened his mouth and said.

 “Where is your cell phone?”

 Qiao Nian bit into half of the piece of bread and raised her head. Her starry eyes seemed surprised that he would ask this, but she quickly and casually answered: "The battery ran out last night. I put it on the bedside to charge."

"You didn't see the message I sent you." Ye Wangchuan did not use a question, but an affirmation.

Qiao Nian slowly narrowed his eyes: "Did you send me a message?"

Ye Wangchuan said nothing.

She had a vague feeling, her eyebrows narrowed, she put down her breakfast and got up, went back to the room, found her cell phone, turned it on, and looked up Ye Wangchuan's chat history.

 Sure enough, I saw the message he sent her in the early morning.

 Qiao Nian's sharp black eyes sunk downwards, and she sat cross-legged at the dining table, with an unbridled expression on her delicate face: "What do they mean?"

 Anyone who knows her well can feel the anger in Qiao Nian. It can be seen that what Qin Si and Qin Si's mother did this time angered her.

Ye Wangchuan didn't want to speak for Qin Si on this matter, so he said businesslikely: "The Qin family may not agree with Guan Yan." "Heh." Qiao Nian laughed angrily, put his hand on his eyebrows, and suppressed the anger in his heart. , but from the dark eyes: "Joke. What do you mean they don't recognize it? Who do they think they are? It's not their turn to recognize Guan Yan yet!"

Ye Wangchuan did not answer: "I know you are angry."

Qiao Nian was about to go crazy with anger. The anger in her chest was like a ignited flame and could not be suppressed at all.

 She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down her emotions.

However, the anger was like an untamable beast, raging in her heart and making her unable to calm down...

Qiao Nian lost the mood to have breakfast, pushed away the dining table and stood up, with a cold and distant face: "Tell Qin Si, if he can't control the people at home and hurts Guan Yan, I will definitely be on Guan Yan's side."

 She said coldly: "Mind your mother's business!"

 I didn’t even eat breakfast. I walked to the living room, found my backpack, turned around and slammed the door to go out.

Ye Wangchuan, who was innocently being implicated by his friend, pressed his forehead against his forehead, knowing that things would turn out like this. He got up and went inside to take the notebook that the girl had no time to pick up, and called Bo Jingxing.


The other side responded instantly: "Observatory. You haven't come here yet?"

 “Come over right away.” Ye Wangchuan finished.

Bo Jingxing was silent for a moment: "...what happened?"

Ye Wangchuan briefly and concisely explained the cause and effect of the matter, and finally said: "I'm not sure what time they will arrive and who will arrive first. If I haven't gone over yet, remember to stay apart and don't let them conflict."

Bo Jingxing did not answer directly, and his tone was slightly lowered: "What is Qin Si doing? How could it be like this?" It can be seen that he is very dissatisfied with Qin Si's handling this time.

“Have you forgotten, auntie, that something happened to Qin Si before? It was Guan Yan who went to the Sixth Continent with you to find someone, regardless of the danger. She…”

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