Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:35 PM

Chapter 5363: She doesn't want to talk to you

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 It is undeniable that Guan Yan is very beautiful, and all bright words are not inconsistent with her. She is enough to move people's hearts.

 Especially the heart of a man.

But Mrs. Qin doesn’t like this type of daughter-in-law. She’s too immodest and unstable, and she’s not the kind of person the Qin family wants.

She is, after all, a pampered wife for decades, and she is not as hideous as she is in the TV series.

She walked up to Guan Yan and smiled brightly: "Guan Yan, long time no see."


Qin Si's iron-like hands were clenched into fists, with veins popping out.

Mrs. Qin ignored him at all and continued to look at the woman in front of her and said: "I remember the last time I saw you was at the Beijing Hospital. Qin Si's father and I wanted to treat you to dinner and thank you for your kindness in sacrificing your life for him. It's a pity that the second time You left Beijing today, and we didn’t even have time to treat you.”

Guan Yan looked at her quietly, his eyes calm, as if he was waiting for her to finish speaking at once.

Although Mrs. Qin was embarrassed, she finished: "Jiajia happens to be here today, if you don't mind. How about we have dinner together at noon? You, Qin Si, and me and Jiajia, Jiajia's father. You Is it okay to watch?”

"Mom! That's enough!" Qin Si's every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, with strong emotions. His hands were clenched into fists, as if he wanted to vent his inner anger in this way.

Mrs. Qin turned a deaf ear and said to Guan Yan with a smile: "You may not know Jiajia. She is a top student at Stanford University. Her parents and grandparents are experts in the field of radio astronomy. You are here to visit, and Mr. Bo hasn't introduced it to you yet. Right? Her father is one of the chief engineers here! You like astronomy, and you can communicate with He Yuan at a close distance during the dinner."

She didn’t say anything bad about Guanyan, nor did she say anything to break up the two of them.

 She is so gentle and approachable, decent and dignified.

But Guan Yan could hear the sharpness and repulsion hidden behind every seemingly gentle word of hers. It was a behavior that you would only do if you don't like someone and want the other person to "know their interests". Guan Yan said calmly with waning interest, "I won't eat it."

"we broke up."

The bomb she dropped casually was like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, instantly causing thousands of waves.

“Look at the inkstone.” Qin Si’s eyes suddenly turned red.

She didn't even look at it, but looked directly at Mrs. Qin: "Your son is very good, and I admire him very much. But that's it. You don't need to call me, send me messages or come to me in person. I'm interested in the show at eight o'clock I’m not interested in the **** drama, and I don’t want to be the protagonist in it. I can’t live up to your family, and I hope you won’t disturb my life again.”

This sudden change made everyone silent, as if they were frozen in this moment.

There was an indescribable tension and coldness in the air, and everyone felt the invisible pressure.

 Mrs. Qin was in unprecedented embarrassment: "I..."

Qin Si crossed over to his mother and took Guan Yan's hand with a face as heavy as water: "Let's go out and talk."

Guan Yan frowned and avoided his hand, taking a step back: "I made it very clear on the phone."

Qin Si quickly pursed his lips and reached for her again: "Let's go out and chat first."

Guan Yan had already moved to the edge, and there was no longer any place to evade. At this moment, a hand grabbed Qin Si's wrist and held him.

 “She doesn’t want to talk to you.” (End of chapter)

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