Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:34 PM

Chapter 5365: Qin Si, let’s break up

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Chapter 5365 Qin Si, let’s break up

Qin Si showed a painful expression: "No..." He himself felt that these two words were so feeble at the moment.

 But apart from these two words, he couldn't find any more words to make Guan Yan believe that he wouldn't do this. He didn't think so!

Guan Yan shook his head: "No, that's what you think. But I tell you, I will never give up my independent personality for love. If one day I give up all my hobbies and career for you, I will be your wife. , your daughter-in-law, then Guan Yan is dead! There is no such person as Guan Yan in this world, only a woman who abandoned herself for love."

"I don't want you to give up everything!" Qin Si's eyes were red and bloodshot, and he wanted to get close to her again, but Guan Yan pinned him in place with a gesture.

"Yes, you don't think so. You are just looking forward to the day. Your expectations are not wrong. This is the commonality of human beings. I just want to tell you that you are not wrong and neither am I. Your family members are also not wrong, but everyone Our goals are different, but we can’t go together.”

"What do you want to say?" Qin Si actually understood what she meant, but he was just taking a chance.

Guan Yan looked at him, his shadow reflected in his eyes, so calm and calm at this moment, calm and rational: "...I feel that no matter how many conflicts we have now, at least the feeling of starting this relationship is true at the beginning. Since it started It's good enough. I don't want to make a fuss when it ends. I need to explain to you and tell you my true thoughts. It's not that you are not good enough or that you did something wrong. But we are really not suitable.”

 “Qin Si, let’s break up.”


 Inside the Sky Eye Control Room of the Observatory.

He Yuan and a group of engineering experts have quickly discussed the answer.

 “This is the best way.”

"Yes, Dean, there is nothing to hesitate. We all know in our hearts that except for her, almost no one in the world can come up with Star Chain to help us break through the other party's satellite blockade. And she is an independent person, I don’t belong to any country or organization. Is there any better way to give us a choice? Besides, Mr. Bo is willing to guarantee her, and you know that the Bo family will never do anything that harms Guo Jia’s interests.”

"Dad, I don't think Sister Yan is a bad person who wants to take advantage of the opportunity to steal our data. I have communicated with her in the past few days and found that she knows a lot. If she wants space data, she can get it through other means. There is no need to use Starlink Lend it to us." "Yes..."

Nearly everyone agrees to believe in Guan Yan and follow the methods proposed by Guan Yan to solve the current dilemma. He Yuan was still wavering in his heart and hesitant.

"It's not that I don't want to believe her and Bo Jingxing, but this matter is of great importance and I don't dare to make the decision easily."

 Everyone was silent for a while.

 Understand his hesitation.

He Jia thought for a while and said, "Dad, didn't you say that the person who came yesterday was of high status, could you ask him?"

He Yuan immediately reacted: "You said Ye..."

He Jia nodded: "His status can definitely bear the responsibility."

He Yuan quickly picked up his cell phone and said to the others: "You guys wait for me here, I'll make a call and I'll be right back."

He walked to the side and made a call to Ye Wangchuan. On the phone, he explained to him the method they had discussed with Guan Yan early in the morning, and asked him softly for his opinion.

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