Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:30 PM

Chapter 5367: How good is it to know Guan Yan?

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Chapter 5367 How good is it to know Guan Yan?

He Jia refused without thinking: "I'm sorry, auntie, we probably won't be able to spare time these two days, so we'll have to eat in the cafeteria."

 She thought for a moment and then added: "When my father and I return to Beijing, I will treat you to dinner alone."

 It was not that she wanted to please Mrs. Qin, but she simply felt that she had been invited and she had no time to refuse, so it was natural that she should make another appointment.

Mrs. Qin clapped her hands and smiled very naturally: "I understand that you are busy at work. That's what scientists are like."

 After saying that, Mrs. Qin looked again in the direction of the two of them without leaving any trace.

 Guan Yan felt that he had made it clear to Qin Si, and ignored Mrs. Qin's glances from time to time. He quickly turned around and said to the waiting Bo Jingxing, "Let's go."


Bo Jingxing's Zhilan Yushu has an outstanding appearance. When walking together with the rich roses, it doesn't look disharmonious. Instead, it has a rich and colorful elegance.

The scene of the two walking together attracted everyone's attention. He Jia also saw that the two were leaving. He didn't bother to greet Mrs. Qin, so he pulled her hand away and said hurriedly: "Auntie, I have to go to work. ”

Then he ran all the way to catch up with Guan Yan in front of Mrs. Qin, and chirped beside him: "Sister Yan, my dad is looking for you. Let's go in."

Mrs. Qin waited for them to enter, then frowned and turned her head and asked Qin Si: "Guan Yan knows He Jia? Isn't she deliberately approaching He Jia to damage your relationship..."

"Mom, do you still think Guan Yan would do this? Are you too prejudiced against her? Didn't you hear what she just said to me? She doesn't care about marrying me, nor does she care about our family. So you It’s all unnecessary to worry!”

 Qin Sijun clenched his fists tightly with an ugly expression on his face, the veins on the back of his hands were bulging, and the bones were clearly bluish white, and he tightened the corners of his mouth.

 “She’s breaking up with me!”

Mrs. Qin saw the scarlet pain in his eyes and looked away. She was a little rational but still said forcefully: "She is not suitable for you."

"Heh." Qin Si was in so much pain that he no longer wanted to argue with her, so he turned around and left. "Where are you going? Wait for me..." Seeing that he didn't wait for her, Mrs. Qin caught up with her bag.

Qin Si turned a deaf ear and walked quickly with long legs, just wanting to leave this suffocating place as soon as possible.

 He could not retaliate against Mrs. Qin's behavior, nor could he forgive her behavior. He could only avoid and escape at all costs...


 Qiao Nian entered the observatory's operation room full of anger. When she entered, she saw the scene in front of her.

He Yuan and others gathered around Guan Yan. There was a starry sky sand table among them. Guan Yan was holding a flag on the sand table and was performing a deduction for everyone on the sand table.

 “My star chain is at this location.”

“The star chain surrounding you is at this location.”

 She picked up the red flag and inserted it underneath, saying to the others: "The Eye of Heaven is where I last placed the flag."

Everyone looked at her sandbox filled with flags and fell into thinking, guessing what she wanted to express.

Guan Yan took the opportunity and said: "Now here comes the problem. We need to find out the weakest point of the opponent's star chain and the satellite of my star chain that is closest to that point. Do you have any idea?"

Bo Jingxing's eyes deepened, he tapped his knuckles on the table and asked the middle-aged man, "Do you want me to bring over the chief engineer of the aviation department to help?"

He Yuan looked hesitant: "You mean Mr. Zhang?"

Bo Jingxing sighed with thin lips: "Yeah."

He Yuan was embarrassed and asked: "Is it too late?"

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