Published at 10th of May 2024 12:43:29 PM

Chapter 5368: Sister Nian is here

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Chapter 5368 Sister Nian is here

"Gong Zhang is seventy years old this year. He definitely can't take a car for more than ten hours to come here like us, or have to change planes and trains all the way. It's raining heavily in your province, and private planes can't come in... If you want him to come, We have to wait until the rain stops in your province. We can’t afford to waste time.”

Bo Jingxing was about to say: "There is another way. We can use fighter planes to send the old doctor in, like this..."

They heard Qing Ling, a girl from behind, interrupting them: "I'll do it!"

Bo Jingxing and He Yuan both turned around and saw the girl pulling up her sweatshirt and hoodie, wearing a peaked cap, her eyebrows were very low, and she walked towards them without hesitation.

 “Ms. Qiao.” Bo Jingxing greeted him very politely.

The girl looked past him and met the middle-aged man's eyes. Her dark eyes were calm and unruffled, but there was a pulling magic that made people look into her eyes unconsciously.

“I may be able to find out the weaknesses of the other party’s star chain as you mentioned.”

He Yuan couldn't help but be surprised: "You're not saying you're not good at this field..."

Qiao Nian put her bag on the chair casually. Hearing this, she turned around and spoke to him face to face: "Ah, I'm not good at it."

He Yuan was a little unhappy at being fooled: "Then you still..."

The girl interrupted him arrogantly: "Because I am a hacker."

 He Yuan: “…” hacker? so what? They were talking about radio astronomy, and it had nothing to do with whether she was a hacker or not.

Qiao Nian seemed to see through his ventriloquism, and he was full of anger and arrogance: "Because there are not many systems in the world that I can't hack into. The same goes for Starlink!"


 The arrogance that plunged the whole place into deathly silence!

Ordinarily, it would be a bit funny for someone to say something so arrogantly in front of a group of top experts.

 But she didn’t.

 She is born with the aura to lead the crowd.

 For her to say these words, it somehow made people believe that she was not bragging. She really has the ability to hack into the Starlink system. Guan Yan's heart was racing: "Boss, are you finally going to show your skills?"

 Others don't know how tall the young-looking girl in front of her is, but she knows it all too well... The Starlink system is known as one of the strongest defense systems in the world, and she has long wanted to see the showdown between the top and the top.

You must know that she has tried several times before without success, and she has lost several high-performance computers in vain, which makes her very upset.

Bo Jingxing also looked at the girl and said gently, "What does Miss Qiao need us to prepare?"

The girl thought for a while and said to him: "You need to cut off all the networks here first and turn on the signal jammer."

"Then you..." He Yuan took a step forward unconsciously.

The girl gave her a faint glance again: "I have my own way."

He briefly thought about it and made a quick decision, and told several experts around him: "Let's do what she said and cut off the signal first."


The experts here must know the Sky Eye system better than the staff, and it would be perfect for them to be responsible for cutting off the signal.

 After a while, He Yuan led a group of experts to return the internal signal that had been carefully cut off.

Ye Wangchuan also arrived at the observatory at this time.

Guan Yan gathered around Qiao Nian to help deliver things, and by the way helped her build an independent small signal base station.

 “sun, is it okay to get it here?”

 Qiao Nian found the laptop from her bag and turned it on. She found a comfortable position for herself, looked at the data cable she handed over, and nodded.


Guan Yan smiled: "Then here."

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